As Clarke and Jaycee were walking awayMurphy spoke up once again, "Hey, any orders for me princess?" He said as he looked at Clarke. "Stay away from me," Clarke snapped. "Just trying to be helpful," He sighed.

Clarke then looked at him once again and had anger in her eyes. "You were with him at the village." Murphy sighed, "I tried to stop him." He proceeded to tell her. "Not hard enough" She said this with anger in her voice. Murphy had enough of her shit so he looked at her and scoffed, "You know, you want to start blaming people, Clarke? He was out there looking for you," He said with a calm voice.

"Alright that's enough, blaming people is not going to help Finn," Jaycee said. She then grabbed Clarke by the arms to take her to where Lincoln was.

Lincoln was in the medical bay, he was handcuffed to a bed. "Hang on, He's not a reaper anymore. he doesn't need to be restrained." Clarke said.

Lincoln looked at the blonde, "Yes. I do." Clarke has stood next to Lincoln, Abby next to her daughter, Octavia on the other side of Lincoln. Jaycee was a little further back but was still able to listen to the conversation.

It's not that she didn't like the man, or that she was holding grudges for what he did to her, but she was still a little afraid. Afraid whether or not it was going to happen again. Lincoln looked at the girl as Jaycee looked at the floor and kept her distance, he noticed that this wasn't normal for the girl and that he would ask about it later.

"Just tell us. Is there a way to make peace?" Abby asked the grounder man. "Did she leave riders behind?" Abby shook her head 'yes' "Two just outside the gate," Abby replied to him, "They're waiting for Finn. You don't have much time to decide." He told all 3 women. "She can't expect us to just hand over one of our own people. Would she do that?" Octavia asked him. "She wouldn't let the rest of her people die to protect a murderer. If you don't do this, she will kill everyone in this camp." Lincoln told his girlfriend.

"There has to be something else we can offer," Abby said. Jaycee was just biting her nails, thinking about something, anything they could do. "Finn took 18 lives. The commander's offering to take just one in return. Take the deal." Lincoln said, making the girls scoff. "How can you say that? Finn was the first person to come to you to offer peace. He's your friend." Clarke looked at the man.

"He massacred my village. Some of the dead were my friends too." He replied to Clarke.

"But that wasn't Finn. You know that's not who he is.." Clarke tried to reason with him. "It is now. We've all got a monster inside of us, Clarke, and we're all responsible for what it does when we let it out." Jaycee was afraid of what might happen to Finn, but she was on Lincoln's side, he murdered 18 people, just for one person, and that person was Clarke. Even if she didn't want Finn to die, what more could they do... Nothing. Because if they were to do something, then they'd all be dead by morning.

"What will they do to him?" Abby asked, "Fire. Because he killed the innocent, it starts with fire." Clarke looked at the man with panic written all over her face, "Starts?" She asked.

"They'll take his hands. His tongue, his eyes. And anyone who grieves will have a turn with the knife. At sunrise, the commander will end it with her sword. But I've never known anyone to survive until the sword. He killed 18, he will suffer the pain of 18 deaths. Then we can have peace." Lincoln finally finished.

"I'm going to go find Finn, knowing him he's probably going to do something stupid," Jaycee said as she walked out. After a couple of minutes, Clarke and Abby had left the couple, they were now alone.

"After this is all over after we get the truce, we can finally be happy," Octavia said as she smiled at Lincoln. He was just looking at the door, he didn't say anything until Octavia put her hand on his cheek to have him face her, "What's wrong?" The girl asked him.

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