Chapter | Twenty eight

Start from the beginning

We are sitting together at the breakfast table and she is quiet as a mouse. We are yet working on her eating habits and it's gradually getting better. My wife does this tactic by splitting up her food into sections on a special plate. That way it helps her consume more.

"Sweetheart, can you try to finish eating your yogurt," my wife encourages.

"Im full," she leans back in her chair.

"Okay," Angeline releases a sigh. "-But you are taking your vitamins and having a smoothie later," she inform. The mom is strong with this one. Mary wines and throws her head back.

"I'll eat it". Angeline passes the parfait to me and I finish it in two spoonfuls. I don't like food going to waste.

"Maryanne, we need to talk about what happened yesterday," My wife speaks up."First off, I want to apologize for the way I acted. I was wrong for yelling at you. I wasn't thinking. I was overwhelmed and I took it out on you," She put a comforting hand on her leg.

She responds with,"Why? Do you not want me here anymore?" Her bright brown eyes look at the both of us. My heart flops.

"No, not at all bambina," I reach across the table for her hand. I did not know that we made her feel that way.

Angeline cups her face so that she can look at her directly,"We want you to stay more an anything. We love you honey and I would never allow you to leave. Only if you want to, even then it will be impossible for me to accept," she says. "The reason why I was so upset is because..." she pause and looks at me. I put my hand on her back and rub it.

"It's okay," I say. Angeline takes a moment to breathe.

"Four years ago, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy after eight years of infertility. The day we found out I was pregnant, we were head over heels. It wasn't until the ultrasound for my late second trimester appointment, my doctor confirmed to me that there was something wrong with my baby's heart. She said that if I wait it full term it would dely the process of getting him the surgery he needs. I held on two weeks before my due date because I wanted him to grow more and he did. He was strong. The moment he came out of me, I wasn't able to hold him, but I got to see his precious little face. They took him and did emergency surgery right away. He was in the NICU for a week and I had the privilege to hold him twice. The second time was the day he died". As a husband and a father it was a heart shattered experience. Seeing my wife in shambles made me afraid to put her through that again. We wanted to sue the hospital, but there was not enough evidence to prove that they were negligent towards our son.

"We named him Matteo because he was a gift. He was perfect before he came into this world. I was depressed for a while and I blamed myself. I told Dario that I was done with having kids and I figured that if I kept his baby stuff, I would find some comfort in the only things I have left of him. Including the pacifier". That was one of the first items we gave him after his surgery.

"Me and Dario talked last night and took some time to realize that my baby boy's memory will forever live on regardless and I will never let that get in the way of the love I have for you". Mary looks at me and I nod in agreement. "You are very important to us Maryanne. Much more than you could ever know".

We enfolded her in a hug and she goes on to say, " I'm sorry for what happened to your baby," in a whisper.

"It's alright because we have you now and we want to give you everything".

"What about the pacifier?" Mary says.

"I'm letting you can keep the pacifier because I can see that it means something to you as well". She nods. "I love you sweetheart," Angeline says.

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