Chapter | Thirty six

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The small family got around to settle her little rules and came to an agreement. While bigger Mary had made some terms of her own, so had the couple. Maryanne agreed to try a bottle at least once to see if she likes it.

"If you don't want to wear diapers we won't force you," Dario explains right after the girl stated her dislikes."Let's get ready! We are taking you out to somewhere special". Mary, for life of her has not guessed what this special somewhere is and what the occasion was exactly. Her birthday isn't until next month, but she is excited nonetheless.

Throughout the day, she was in a regressed mood—following the cats around, not necessarily provoking, only playing and mimicing. Angeline called her gattina. At five in the afternoon, Mary's in her mommy's office playing with her plushies—pretending that the fox and dog could fly.

"Do you want a bath or shower?" the girl is distracted and Angeline can guess that it'll be a hassle for her to shower. Besides, Mary had never taken a bath since she moved in with the Morello's.

Mary shrugs. "Don't know, mommy".

Angeline makes a humming sound and leaves the room. Twelve minutes later, the woman returns with the girl's under garments. Mary currently uses training bras, evidently she hadn't grown any noticeable fat around the chest area yet.

"I drew a bath for you sweet girl. Let's go and see," Angeline gleams. The girl skips behind the woman toward her bathroom. She noticed that Angeline added bubbles to the tub and threw in rubber ducks.

"Bubbles!" Mary praised.

Angeline is not certain if she should help Mary because she doesn't want her to be embarrassed about it later. "Can you manage. Or do you want me to help bathe you".

"Um...I'll call you".

"Okay," Angeline smiles. "I'm going now". She leaves Mary to undress herself. Mary removes her clothes and climbed in the tub. A big person's first intuition is to wash themselves, however Mary had regressed further. Instead, The young girl splashes causing suds and water to go everywhere. Next, She lines the ducks up on the edge of the tub and knocks them in one by one, further squirting body wash into the water—watching it pile up. With nothing  to do next,  she decides to call for the person that would know better than her.

"Mommy?!" Her high pitched voice echoed. Angeline was in the girl's closet picking out possible options for tonight's special occasion. Her ears ring when she hears her baby call her name.

"Si, Bèbe," she leaves the closet and gently lays down one of the few potential outfits.

"Need you!" The woman hesitated. Had she been done this quickly? What could she possibly need?

"It is okay to come in?".

"Si!" she opens slowly. She low chuckles before entering. Mary grins at her caregiver presence, raising her arms.

"Did you wash yourself?" She asked. Around the tub there was water spilled everywhere. In the tub, was a soap bottle floating in the water.

The girl shook her head.

"Oh, piccola...We have to hurry," She stressed.

"Sorry," she says patting the water.

"I should have known. You're too little to wash yourself aren't you?" Mary looks at her with unwary eyes. "Let's make this quick. Then you can pick out your dress".

Angeline styled Mary's hair, two small braids in the front and left the rest out. The occasion requires to be semi-formally dressed. Mary agreed to wear a dress. Though, the last time she wore one, it was black and itchy. The new dress is flowy and comfortable—a green tunic with ruffles. Her outfit was finalized by black ballerina flats.

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