S1Ep3: Secret Of The Ghost Rig

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Dad's demeanour shifted. "Help me secure re-election as mayor," he said, producing one of his campaign pamphlets. "I need 40,000 copies of this campaign pamphlet made."

I gazed at the pamphlet and shook my head. "I'm really not looking forward to this," I muttered, feeling discontent about the whole situation.

Scooby grabbed the pamphlet and attempted to use the copier, but in his eagerness, he ended up pressing the wrong buttons, causing the copier to overload and explode, spraying ink everywhere. I quickly ducked to avoid being splattered with ink.

"Look what you've done to my new suit," a voice exclaimed. I turned to see a man in a green suit with black hair streaked with grey, attempting to wipe the ink off his clothing.

Shaggy nervously stepped forward. "Vote for Fred. SR?" he asked, holding up the pamphlet.

"What's going on here, Avocados?" Dad asked as he approached the man.

"That's Avoc-ados," the man corrected, enunciating his name in a posh manner. "And if you want to run a dirty campaign, Jones's, two can play at that game," he threatened angrily before storming off.

"Wow, Dad, who was that?" Fred asked, intrigued by the man's unexpected appearance.

Dad adjusted his glasses. "That was George Avocadoes, the person I'm up against in the election. He believes he's a strong candidate because his father, Theodore Avocados, once held the position of mayor."

He went on, "That is until he was caught stealing a priceless diamond from Crystal Cove Bank."

"Jinkies. What happened next?" Velma inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"The diamond was never recovered, but Theodore was sent to prison," Dad explained, crossing his arms. "Since then, George has been steadfast in claiming his father's innocence."

I sat in the back of the Mystery Machine, engrossed in my book, when Fred persuaded Daphne to join us. There was something mysterious about George, especially considering the information about his father.

"We really missed you today, Daph," Fred said, smiling. "Is everything okay at home?"

Daphne replied, "Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask?" Her voice sounded anxious and uneasy, as if she were concealing something.

Shaggy, rubbing his stomach hungrily, changed the subject. "Man, after all that campaigning, I can't wait to tuck into a triple clam pizza at the Clam Cabin."

Scooby, sporting a red scarf and holding a fork and knife in his paws, chimed in, "Yeah, I'm with you, Raggy."

At that moment, my stomach growled loudly, indicating my hunger. "Yeah, I could definitely go for some food," I admitted.

As we arrived at the beach, Fred parked the Mystery Machine in the Clam Cabin's parking lot, and the sounds of seagulls filled the air. I opened the back doors, hopped out of the van, and began walking toward the Clam Cabin.

Scooby wasted no time and dashed over to the door, only to discover that the Clam Cabin's entrance had been tampered with – the doorknob was missing. The owner, Skipper Shelton, appeared at the window and informed us that someone had stolen the doorknob.

With the Clam Cabin off-limits, we would have to find another place to eat. Later in the evening, as darkness settled in along with a thick fog, an unsettling feeling gnawed at my gut.

"I heard that someone stole all the crystal doorknobs at school," Daphne mentioned, hinting at a possible connection.

Velma chimed in, adding, "My parents mentioned that some were missing at the haunted museum, too."

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