Chapter 17: A Mulaqat

Start from the beginning

"No." I shook my head. "He's right here. And I'm alright." I repeated. I couldn't let the fear rule me forever. Tariq pursed his lips as he regarded me for a moment but then nodded, dropping his gaze.

"Okay then. If you're alright then I'm alright." He smiled gently. For some reason, his words made my heart flutter. They were just words but they were what I wanted to hear. "The purpose of this mulaqat is to get to know each other better. So, you can ask me anything you would like to know." He prompted.

I nodded. Biting the inside of my cheek, I looked for the question which had me troubled for a few days now. "Why'd you bring a proposal for me to Baba?" I questioned.

A small frown made itself home between Tariq's brows and he looked confused. "I'm not sure I understand your question." He shook his head lightly.

"I mean I never got the impression that you were interested in me." I explained. "It came as a surprise to me when you showed up at my house. I want to know why you did it. Why did you propose to me?" His eyebrows rose in understanding and a smile tugged on his lips which he suppressed. I failed to understand what was so amusing about my question.

"I have had a interest in you for a year now, Em. I just didn't know how to go about it. Would you have preferred if I had made my interest in you more obvious?" Humor danced in his eyes and I looked away. A blush rose to my cheeks as I ran a finger along the edge of my hijab cap, checking for any stray hairs which might have escaped. I knew there weren't any but I needed to buy myself a moment.

"Why didn't you propose to me sooner then?" I forced myself to meet his gaze again.

"Because I wanted to be sure before I did. I didn't want to rush into something I didn't really want." He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. He was letting it grow out and I was glad. I'd always preferred men with longer hair. Add that to my list of things I liked about Tariq Faled, apart from his haya, his smile, and the concern he showed toward me.

"And now you're sure?" I cocked an eyebrow at him, relaxing in his presence finally. I wasn't used to the nervous side of me, the quiet side. I didn't feel like Eman when I was quiet and discrete.

"Sau taka," He replied. My jaw fell open at the words leaving his mouth. As far as I knew, Tariq was not familiar with Hindu or Urdu except for what I said in front of the guys.

"W-where'd you learn that from?" I stammered. The smile he had been suppressing for the last few minutes bloomed in full, taking away with it my breath for the second time.

"From you." He responded.

"How do you know what it means?" I fired.

"You used it in front of us once and I asked Ahvi what it meant." He answered simply.

"And how do you know you're sau taka, poora, pakka sure about this?" I waved a hand between us, narrowing my eyes on him.

"Because I almost lost you once. I don't think I would have been able to live with myself if I let it happen again," He said, sincerity shining in his eyes. I swallowed as the sass seeped out of me, replacing the fire I sometimes felt in my chest with a soft, warm feeling. It didn't threaten to burn me and the others around me. It calmed me down and fueled my heart because now it was pounding again.

"Oh." It was all I could think of saying. "If you have any questions for me, you can ask them." I added because it would take me some time to recover from what he'd just said.

"You don't have any other questions for me?" He asked, sounding surprise.

"I do. I just-just need to think. So, you can ask yours first." I gestured for him to go on. I picked up my cup and took a sip to distract myself. And because it would have gone cold if I didn't drink it now.

"Alright then." He hummed under his breath, the sound reverberating through my body. My hands shook as I placed the cup back on the table, suppressing the heat that had flared in my core. "What are your plans after graduation?" He asked and I was grateful for the question. It gave me something to think about other than the fact that he had been interested in me for over a year and that his voice was too fricking deep and I could almost feel it in my very bones.

"I'm working on an idea for a book. I plan on working on it after graduation and hopefully getting it published. Inshallah." I responded. I hadn't told anyone that I was planning to write a book. Not even Ahvi. It was just a thought at the moment but I knew I wanted to pursue the thought, see how it manifested.

"That's so great." Tariq's voice rang with enthusiasm. "What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?" He added, leaning forward in his seat slightly.

"It's just an idea right now but I plan on writing a romance. I know it's silly but I have always wanted to write a love story others would love to read and get lost in the way I sometimes do." I shrugged, embarrassed at having admitted that I wanted to be a romance writer.

"It's not silly. Writing a book isn't easy and the fact that you're willing to try is a reflection of your passion. It's inspiring," He replied. "I hope I get to read your book when you finish writing it."

My heart threatened to burst in my chest. Was this how it was supposed to feel when a man was interested in marriage with you? Because this was so much better than what I had with Shariq.

"I will let you read the first draft when it's done. But only if you don't make fun of me." I offered because if our conversation so far was any indication, I wanted to meet Tariq again. I wanted to keep this relationship going.

"I would never make fun of something you put effort into." His expression turned somber as he answered. "I might provide constructive criticism but I would never make fun of it." He assured me.

"You would provide criticism on a romantic novel?" I raised my eyebrows, amused. A small smile touched my lips and Tariq's expression changed to reflect mine.

"Why? Are you saying that I can't be a romantic?" He challenged and my breath stuttered. He was referring to what he'd done at the museum, to his proposal, and the words he'd spoken to me right now. I knew it from the glint in his eyes.

"Fair enough." I shook my head, my smile growing. I couldn't argue with him on this one.

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