Chapter 17: A Mulaqat

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Today was the day. Today, I would meet Tariq for the first time as a romantic life partner. Today, I would get to ask him questions I'd been wanting to ask him ever since he walked into the living room of my house, asking my father for my hand in marriage. Today, I would bare myself to him, too.

I was jittery with nerves as I sat in my car, Baba in the driver's seat. I'd asked him to drive because I was too nervous to do so. Butterflies took flight in my stomach, harder and faster as we got closer to Rose cafe.

I had visited this cafe so many times over the years, mostly with Ahvi. Jace had joined us sometimes. This was the place where I told him that his ex-girlfriend, Kiara, was cheating on him. I had so many memories here and today, another memory would be added to the list.

"Are you ready, Mani?" Baba asked as he pulled into a parking space across from the cafe. I blew out a breath as I nodded.

"Yes." I whispered. I hadn't meant for my voice to come out so low but it seemed that I had lost my ability to speak once again.

"Come on, then." My father opened his door and stepped out. I waited for a moment before following him, using the moment to further prepare myself.

We crossed the road and walked up to the cafe in silence. Baba seemed to realize that I was too nervous to talk because he only led me to the door, not saying anything but offering me a sweet smile. It was a small gesture but it made me feel better.

I stepped inside, my father on my heels, and looked around. We were on time but knowing Tariq, I had a feeling he would be here already.

I wasn't wrong because it only took me a moment to find him in the cafe full of people. He was sitting on a table in one corner of the room, right beside the window. He must have seen us cross the street and enter. He raised his hand and got up when he spotted us, his gaze fixed over my shoulder.

I tried to calm my thundering heart as I let my father walk ahead of me. I knew that at some point, Baba would leave us alone to talk. But he would close enough to intervene if I felt uncomfortable. Reminding myself that it was not Shariq I was meeting this afternoon, I forced my feet forward.

I was still not fully over the incident at the museum. In fact, I had been fretting all morning because I was scared, because I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the last time I had agreed to a meeting with a man.

I stuffed those feelings deep inside where I couldn't feel them as we reached Tariq's table. Baba gestured for me to take a seat across from him. He, himself, sat down on the table beside ours, after greeting Tariq. They exchanged a few words which I didn't hear because I was too busy trying not to freak out.

I knew Baba was within my reach, yet my heart had gone into overdrive. It was ruining this meeting for me, this fear of the incident repeating itself even though I trusted Tariq completely.

It wasn't until he spoke that I snapped out of my thoughts. I glanced up to find him sitting across from me now. I had missed the entire conversation he had had with Baba. I had been staring at the cups of coffee that were already placed on our table instead.

"Assalamualaikum, Eman," He said, his brown eyes boring into mine. I answered, my voice shaky. An emotion crossed his eyes then but I couldn't recognize it, not until he added, "Would you like your Baba to join us at this table?" He raised his eyebrows and somehow it made his features look less...grumpy, more comforting. He was concerned for me.

"No, it's fine." I forced a smile to my lips. Was my fear so obvious? Did I look so disheveled? "I am alright."

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. If you want your Baba at the table with us, he can join us. I don't mind talking to you in his presence." He consoled. I glanced at my father who was sitting beside me. He offered me a reassuring smile and some of my anxiety faded.

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