Chapter 11: An Apology and Other Pressing Matters

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Baba's lips were pursed. His elbows rested on his knees as he leaned forward. I couldn't see the expression on his face from where I was sitting in one of the armchairs in our living room. Jace and Ahvi were sitting across from my father, exchanging glances with each other.

My mother stood at the door of the living room, my sister leaning on the other side. Ashraf was standing behind Nikhat, his arm resting on his wife's shoulder. Everyone was waiting for Baba to speak.

Jace and Ahvi had told him about what had happened at the museum. My knees had bounced and anxiety ate at me throughout their narration of the incident. I didn't know what to do with myself.

My brain seemed to have dulled the pain of the incident because I didn't want to cry when I heard what happened to me. I had yet to decide if I was grateful for it or not.

My father straightened and everyone else in the room seemed to do the same. His gaze fell upon me as he rubbed his greying beard. His lips quivered as he brought his hands together and bowed his head.

"I'm so sorry, Mani." His voice cracked. A gasp sounded from the doorway, which sounded like my sister. "I'm so sorry." He repeated, bowing deeper.

My heart cracked in two as I got up from my chair and sank at his feet, taking his joined hands in mine. Tears stung my eyes now, for my Baba's sake as I shook my head.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I consoled him as I pulled his hands down so he wasn't bowing in front of me anymore. I'd never thought my Baba would beg for my forgiveness the way he was. He was the best man I knew. He was the kind of person I'd dreamt of being since I was a little kid.

"Mujhe maaf kr do, Mani." He repeated as he leaned his forehead against mine. Forgive me, Mani. "I should have never agreed with your aunt. I should have never promised Shariq your hand in marriage." He added.

"Hey, hey." I pulled away as I got to my feet and took a seat beside my father. Pulling him into a hug, I rubbed his back. I'd never seen my father cry. And there was something scary about seeing the man, who'd always been strong for the sake of his family, breaking.

In our world, men were shamed for crying, so our fathers and brothers had learned to shut off their emotions. They had made it their responsibility to carry the burden of the world for others. So, when they finally broke, it was a moment the others around them never forgot. But it was freeing all the same, for them and for those who looked up to them.

"It was not your fault, okay? It was no one's fault but Sh-Shariq's." I fumbled his name, unable to get it out of my mouth. It killed me to say it.

"Meri Mani." Babe whispered as his hold on me tightened. My Mani. He held me and I felt his body shake as he cried. I closed my eyes and let silent tears fall and absorb into my father's shirt the way they had so many times before. He would always hold me when I cried. He would always let me empty myself out and then he would bring me ice cream.

"Alright." I sniffled as I pulled away from him. "No more crying, okay?" I said as I wiped his tears. "No one will cry now." I looked around the room, talking to everyone.

Jace nodded as he wiped his eyes before wiping his girlfriend's who only cried harder at my words. My mother had burrowed herself in my older sister's arms, covering her face with the longer end of her hijab. Nikhat smiled at me as she nodded too, pushing her hair out of her face which was stuck to her cheeks. Ashraf rubbed her other arm as he offered me one of his friendly grins.

I blew out a breath as I turned to my father. "I'm going to help you pay off the debt-" The doorbell rang before I could finish my sentence. Everyone's attention turned toward the foyer. Ashraf was the one who stepped toward the door.

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