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°••Part I••°

Han y/n, the only daughter of Han group, who was chosen as the heiress of the company.
Being born in a rich family doesn't gave her happiness. Her mother died after giving birth to her and that's why her father took her as a misfortune in his life. Moreover, he always wanted a boy who can take over their family business but unfortunately, his second wife was childless so finally he decided to hand over his company to yn.

Y/n was always dedicated towards her work so she can make her father proud of her. She never wanted her father to think she's not capable of anything. After five years, she was coming back to Korea after studying in USA so her step mother ordered to make her favourite dishes. Currently, her stepmother is changing the flowers in the vase. She felt someone's presence behind her and turned back.
"What are you doing honey?" Mr. Han asked
"Just putting vanilla orchids in vase, y/n love these flowers" Mr. Han's expression changes and he sat on couch.
"I forgot she is coming today" he said and she rolled her eyes.
"As expected... Honey! She's your own daughter! Stop behaving so rude towards her. " She continues her work. Mr. Han's phone buzzed and he went out to answer the call.

"What happened honey!" Mrs. Han asked when he came back.
"I told you!..... I TOLD YOU HOW UNLUCKY THAT GIRL IS FOR ME" he yelled at her making her flinch.
"What happened exactly!" she was confused.
"You know the investor who was about to invest in our company" she nodded.
"He got into a heavy accident and is in critical condition right now!" She was surprised "When?"
"Yesterday" he replied with a poker face.
"But this has nothing to do with our y/n, she hasn't even arrived yet. Why you blame everything on her?" She said.
"Why! Why you are so much in love with a girl who's not even your own child, Just because of her you turn out to be infertile." he yelled, making her eyes filled with tears.

After a pause she said with heavy voice "Then how it's her fault Han!She's coming home after such a long time, she must be expecting us to be happy to see her, especially you Han,
You are her father!"

"She should know her place and shouldn't expect anything from me either, I am giving her my company that should be enough for her! I don't even understand what's gonna happen in company now. The stocks prices fell and my so called daughter is coming to handle everything!"

"Appa!" They heard a faint voice from the entrance.
"Y/n!" Mrs. Han said wiping away her tears. She was going to manipulate his words but y/n cut her off.
"No need to explain anything, I was prepared for such welcome"
She gave a bitter smile and headed straight to her room.

"You should behave yourself Han.
I don't want to see her sad. Even though she's not my own daughter but I raised her like my own kid. I love her alot and I can't bear anyone breaking her heart, not even you Han!" Her tone was stiff.

"I understand that you send her away for studies for the sake of your company but now when she's here you have to accept her by heart!" She added and went towards y/n's room.

Time Skip

"Can't you just be punctual" A boy yelled at her on call while she was heading somewhere in the car.
"Can't you just wait" she said yelling back.
"I've been waiting for 15 minutes" he said.
"I have arrived just wait a bit till I reach you" she cut the call and parked her car.

She reached their planned spot and a boy, around her age greeted her with a bunny smile. She smiled back at him and they shared a hug.
"I missed you, alot" she said
"But I didn't" he said breaking the hug and she hit him playfully
They came to a beach. Y/n always love beaches so Jungkook decided to have dinner with her.

Jungkook had bought some ramen and soju. "Jungkook, I miss this in US more than you" she said excitingly looking at the prepared noodles.
"This is for you!" Jungkook handed her a box.
"What's this?" She frowned.
"Your welcome gift" he replied.
"Since when you've become so formal" she said opening the package.

"Wow! It's so pretty!" She exclaimed taking out the heels Jungkook gifted her.
"Thank God you like that." He said pouring a glass of soju for her.
"So, won't you ask why I gave you these" Jungkook said.

"I wonder"
"I've fixed your date with Yeonjun tomorrow" he said casually.
"WHAT!" She shouted and Jungkook put his finger in his ears. "Take it easy bro!"

"Take it easy!" She scoffed.
"By whose permission you did that! I hate you." She yelled.
"How can you do that! He must be thinking I am so desperate to meet him" she whined.
"Don't jump to the conclusion y/n,
You won't lose anything if you confess your feelings to him. Are you really scared to confess" he said.
"I am not scared to confess kookie, I am just insecure about myself. I am afraid of rejection. A girl who's own father didn't accept her. How can I expect something from someone else." She replied.
"I have never seen such a stupid person in my life."he sighed.
"Why? You never saw a mirror" she said.
"I am not joking Y/n, you should make a move before anyone else otherwise you'll always regret about not telling him your feelings. " Jungkook advised and she sighed.

"Alright, but what's with these heels? " She asked.
"Wear this when you meet him, It is a saying that good shoes take you to good places" he smiled.
"I don't believe such things but I will wear it if you say" she took her sneakers off and wore the heels.
"Well, I am sorry for not asking you before fixing a date with Yeonjun" Jungkook apologised.
"Your intention was not bad it's okay, I forgave....." She was cut off by Jungkook's call.
"I'll be back, Yura is calling" (Jungkook's girlfriend) he went away to talk to her.

Y/n pour herself another glass of soju and looked at the sky. Her attention went to her phone when a notification popped up.
It was a spam message that says.
'Click this link to watch a Live Comet passing through the earth'
she chuckled and put her phone aside looking at the sky again.

The moon was so beautiful. Indeed, nature has a power of healing, it can drag away all the miseries but for y/n it was planning something else. Her eyes widened when she saw the comet in the sky. She stood up and smiled widely but her smile faded when she saw it approaching her. Something very unexpected happened to her. She took few steps back and fell unconscious on the ground when that thing hit her head.

To Be Continued

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