Daechwita Era!

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°••Part II••°

Y/n woke up with a groan and held her head tightly. The bandage on her head touched her fingers and she frown trying to recall what happened.

She then got a flashback of the comet falling on her. She immediately extended her hand to find her phone but her hand felt soft fabric. She got up and sat down, her confusion increases when she saw unfamiliar surrounding.

The room was small the interior walls were made using plain sliding paper door,
an ancient lamp was beside her which was the only source of light in the room. Some herbal medicines were also kept on the stool. That room was so outdated. She thought maybe it's a prank. She came out of that room and saw the lawn. It was so unfamiliar for her.

She flinched when a female voice approach her "You're awake!" A women in her 40's said.
She smiled awkwardly looking at her attire. She bowed her when she came near her.
"We were so worried for you. How's your wound? Is it hurting?" She asked in concern.
She touched her bandage and answered "It's painful, but I am okay."
"But I suggest you to rest, it's been three days since you were unconscious" the woman informed.
"Really! " her eyes widened.
"but how I am here and what kind of place is this?" She asked.

"This is my house and my son found you unconscious near the river. You should rest my child, don't put much pressure on your mind. Go to your room I will bring something for you to eat." She held y/n's shoulder gently.

"But Ajhumma! your house is so strange.....Who is your son? Where is he right now?"

"You must belong to a big household that's why our house seems strange for you but people like us are used to live this way. And my son is a fisherman, he do his best to make living for us"She answered.

"I am sorry if I sound rude but Ajhumma I don't understand what kind of place is this, not only your house but outside. It looks like ancient Korean village."
She said.

" Tell me about yourself, where are you from and How do you end up on river shore? " The woman asked.
"I am Han y/n from Seoul, the heiress of Han group. I was on beach with my best friend and when I woke up I found myself here" y/n explained and the lady frowned.
"Seoul? Where is this?"
Y/n scoffed "Ajhumma! Are you kidding me? You don't know Seoul! Capital city of our country!"

"You must be tired y/n, why don't you rest a bit more. You can stay here until you find your relatives" the lady said ignoring her words
"When your son will be back?" she asked.
"He'll come soon " she answered.
Y/n took seat on a stool near her with a deep sigh.
"I can understand your situation" the lady patted her shoulder.
"I'll bring some food for you, you have to take your medicines too" she said and y/n kept quiet.

After sometime she saw someone's entering the house. She understood that he's that old lady's son. She stood up to greet him mainly to inquire about her situation. He came near her so his face become clear in her vision. Her eyes widened looking at him "You!" She said and the boy was taken aback by her reaction. "Yes" he replied awkwardly.
"I knew it, is it a prank? If yes then I'll kill you!" She yelled.
"What do you mean! I saved your life and instead of being thankful you're yelling at me! "He argued.
"Stop being so innocent Jungkook! What kind of place it this. Where are we! And please stop this prank" she got frustrated.
"I don't know what you're saying. Just rest and then go where you came from! I don't care!"
he said making his way inside to find his mom leaving her dumbfounded.

She held his arms and said
"Stop being so stubborn Jungkook. I was supposed to start my work soon. The company's not doing so well. Just take me back!" Her voice was serious and stiff.

"Alright!" Jungkook grabbed her hand roughly and dragged her outside.

He was serious and kept walking until they came near the river. "Here!" He dropped her.

"Now go wherever you want. I don't care at all" he said and left. She was hurt by his behaviour but she didn't know that she was rude towards him too. He wasn't the Jungkook she used to know.

Her eyes filled with tears and she sat there. "What should I do now!" She held her head in frustration.

"Just go back where you came from" she heard a male voice from behind.

She stood up and found a tall man in hanbok. "I don't know where I came from. I have nowhere to go"she said and a tears left her eyes.

"Follow that man." He pointed towards Jungkook who was so leaving.

"I don't know what has happened to him. His behaviour is so strange" she said.

"Yeah, it's because he's not the man you're thinking but he can be if you follow him. " he said.

"Who are you?"

"I am a royal astrologer Kim Namjoon and I suggest you to act like you have lost your memories, that's the only way you can survive in this Daechwita era" he suggested.

" Daechwita era! "
"b-but h-how!" She exclaimed.
"by reading your face I can only tell you to act like you lost your memories" he said.
"but... How can I survive here! I don't belong to this place! "
"It's not so tough to live here, just don't make eye contact with the king and you'll be safe" he said and started walking.
"King! But... atleast tell me how to go back to my home".
"I am sorry, A royal astrologer is not allowed to read a commoners fate." he said and started leaving.
"What kind of stupid rule is this!" She scoffed.
"Aishhh! What should I do now"she was so frustrated.
She sat there and looked at the sky. The same sky she saw last time.
"Alright, I'll wait for that damn comet again. That's the way I can go back."
She kept eagerly waiting, looking at the sky but there was no sign of any comet.
She spent hours waiting for that shooting star but nothing happened.

"Where the hell that damn heels dropped me. I shouldn't have worn that shit" she smacked her foot on the ground and then she noticed her slippers. It was not so good, she chuckled bitterly "I've become such a poor girl in a blink of an eye"

"Being poor isn't that bad. You don't have any tension and you'll be gentle and kind". She looked beside her. There was a man, wearing a bamboo hat which covered his face. He was also staring at the sky just like her.

"Excuse me, what do you mean! Rich people aren't kind?" She asked.


She scoffed but kept silent because she wasn't in mood to talk right now. All she wanted was to go home.
She didn't bother his presence and kept looking at the sky trying to find her way back.
Minutes passed and when she saw in his direction again, he was gone. She sighed and kept sitting.

Hours passed but nothing happened. She was desperately praying to God but felt like her prayers were futile. She had nowhere to go, no one to rely on. Tears finally left her eyes when she remembered her life in other world. She wasn't sure about her father but she knew that her mother and Jungkook must be worried for her.

"Let's go home" She turned to see Jungkook but turned back ignoring him.
"Don't need to act like this. Let's go home" He said dragging her arm. He released herself and said
"I don't have a home."
"You have one, atleast until you find your own" he said but she didn't move.
"Okay! I am sorry for what I did. Now will you please let's go otherwise my mom will not allow me to sleep at home" he said.
"So you're here because of your mom." She raised an eyebrow.
"Actually no. I am genuinely sorry for what I did" he hung his head low.
Namjoon's words crossed her mind so she agreed without arguing further. She stood up and they left together.

To Be Continued

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