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"I'm really glad you decided to adopt him."

Yoongi shrugs, "What can I say? I was whipped. Still am."

"Thank you. For doing that. Giving him a good home, I mean. I've been visiting him for half a year ever since he was brought in. At first people would want him, but once they heard about his medical complications every now and then, they'd just settle for a different dog. I know dogs can't talk but I just know he gets sad when that happens. It made me sad too. God, I would've taken him myself if I was able to."

"Just because a shelter dog has complications, it doesn't mean they're 'broken' or unfit to be a good pet," Yoongi sighs, "People need to realize that and give them a chance to live a better life. Dogs are just like people too. Even better than them."


"But, he's your dog now too Jimin. As much as he is mine. And thank you for caring for him during his time at the shelter too. You have a big heart, you know that? You're so kind."

"Yeah. I love animals, but Holly really took a special place in my heart."

They sit in silence for a few seconds. Jimin bites his lips and hesitates at first; but he still manages to speak his mind, "I feel like I'm lacking."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow and hums.

"With Holly. I feel like I'm not making up for all the things you're giving him."

"You mean all the stuff from today?"
Jimin nods, "You bought so much to spoil him, and I can't give him the same thing, or something to match that."

"Did I go overboard?" Jimin notices Yoongi's expression change into something that looks like worry.

"I wouldn't say overboard, really. It's just... you got him so much stuff, branded stuff too; and I just feel a little bad that I can't give him that, you know?" Jimin scratches his head.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't intend to offend you or make you feel... inferior? Or anything along those lines. I'm sorry, I really am. I just wanted to spoil him Jimin, I swear."

Jimin shakes his head, "No, it's okay. I know that. I just thought I'd tell you how I felt. If we're going to be taking care of him together, we should at least be honest with anything that involves him. I know you wouldn't make me feel like that on purpose."

"I really wouldn't. The last thing I want is to make you feel bad. I'm sorry."

"Hey," Jimin rests a hand on Yoongi's knee, "It's fine. Don't worry, I know you have good intentions." He gives Yoongi a reassuring smile.

Yoongi nods, "Alright, from now on, I need you to tell me if I take it a little too far, okay? I don't like knowing that you feel this way, even if I know you know I don't intend it."

"Okay," Jimin gives him a thumbs up, "We'll work on this balance thing."

"Yeah. Balance." Yoongi grins.

Chokeslam  》 Yoonmin Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang