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Jimin remembers when he was in a situation similar to this. He was about seven years old at that time, roaming his mother's office building when she had a meeting to attend and had to leave him to wait for her in her workspace. He was told to stay put, but most kids don't listen, do they?

Boredom and curiousity getting the best of Jimin, he decided that he'd search for a vending machine. He could use a good snack after all, his mother only left him a box of apple juice. And so, little Jimin found himself taking the elevator down to the lobby. He recalled he saw a vending machine near the front entrance, but wasn't sure whether it was full of snacks or drinks. He didn't mind, he had some change in his pocket and it would surely be better than only consuming his juice box.

While he watched the digital numbers decrease on the elevator panel, he finds himself in cold sweat when the lights began to flicker on and off and the elevator halts just before number six could turn into five. Turns out, the entire building lost power due to a strong wind current in the area. Jimin spent a good two hours alone inside the dark elevator before maintenence were able to get it fixed and his mother found him; eyes brimmed with tears and snot running down his nose. He surely learned his lesson that day.

"Sooo..." Yoongi starts. He turns on the little flashlight on his phone and sets it down on ground, screen facing downwards so their only light source would brighten the small space. Jimin follows his lead and does the same, activating the LED flashlight on his own phone and putting it down beside Yoongi's.

They're sitting side by side on the floor, legs crossed and backs pressed against the wall.

Jimin lets out a deep breath. It's been about half an hour, there was still no sign of help and god knows how long they'll have to stay there. Well, at least this time he has a companion.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought us here. Now we're stuck." Jimin pouts.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Who would've known this elevator was broken? Don't blame yourself." Yoongi pats his shoulder.
"You know, something like this happened to me during my tour. At a rehearsal two years ago, when I had that stage that would make you emerge from the ground? It got stuck before I even reached the main stage. They couldn't get me out for like twenty minutes," Yoongi chuckles.

"Yeah but, we're in an elevator."

"Still the same energy."

Jimin giggles. "I got stuck in an elevator just like this when I was a kid. Cried my eyes out until my mom found me."

Yoongi turns his head to face Jimin, "You're not going to cry now, are you? I don't have any tissues with me," he jokes.

Jimin snickers, "That's a shame, I guess I'll have to use your jacket as an alternative or something."

"Fair enough."

Jimin, as cliché as it sounds-could feel his heart flutter when Yoongi flashed his signature gummy smile at him. The elevator was dark, but somehow Yoongi's smile was brighter than both flashlights combined. Crazy.

"I just hope we get out before night. You still need to get Holly from Jungkook. I'm sure Holly misses you already."

Yoongi nods, "Yeah, you're right."

Jimin remembers Seokjin's advice. Now is a good time to talk about it.

"Holly is the sweetest, isn't he?"

"He is. He's a cuddly little one. It hasn't even been a week, but I just love him so much already."

Jimin smiles at that. It was very touching to know that Yoongi loves the dog as much as he does. Holly deserves the best home and a loving family. Now, he's able to have both, thanks to Yoongi.

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