Chapter 21: The fall

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Once they are all at the barrier they see humans and vampires alike throwing rocks and punching the barrier to try and get it down.

"I guess the God came through. But how?" Sparkles' mom asked after all the wolves transformed into there human forms.

"Who knows what matters now is what we do. Only we have the ability to bring the barrier completely down," Sparkles says and then transforms back into her wolf form every other wolf follows her example and begins running and bumping and scratching at the barrier. It seems to be coming down very slowly but they are making headway. After a couple hours of this though people get restless. Some wolves and vampires on their perspective sides transform back and get some water from the lake or heading to their houses to grab some clean water.

"How long is this gonna take?" A muffled cry from a freckled-faced redheaded human boy.

"As long as it takes to get the barrier down," Cal says picking up a pretty big rock. Suddenly a woman from the human side comes running towards the barrier.

"Cal is that you my baby boy?" The woman asks nearly in tears.

"Yes ma it is me," Cal says with a smile.

"We have been worried sick. You have always been in our thoughts darling. I am so glad you are okay," she says now crying.

"Spike here has been taking care of me," he says gesturing to Spike who transformed to human form and waves at Cal's mom.

"Are you a friend of my son? A werewolf?" She asks.

"He is," Cal says smirking at Spike which Sparkles catches as Spike winks at her.

"Maybe we need to go the bottom to help it along," Vlad suggests. Before anyone else can do so Cal takes off his shirt and dives in the water.

"There is no way he can make it. We humans cannot go without oxygen," Cal's mom panics. Without hesitation Spike transforms into his werewolf form and dives in after him. Sparkles and many others look into the water to watch them. Cal has already gone pretty far when Spike finally makes it to him and grabs him by his shirt collar with his teeth and starts to swim back. Cal tries to fight him then his head falls and body limps down. This makes Spike swim faster to the surface. Once he breaks the surface Sparkles swims out to them and helps drag him to the sand. She puts two fingers to his neck and then his wrist.

"There is no heartbeat," Sparkles panics. Then without hesitation she starts doing chest compressions to try and push out the water most likely lodged in his stomach. Finally he spits some out.

"Hey sweetheart," he says in a achey voice.

"Are you okay cutie?" Sparkles asks.

"Not exactly my heart has slowed down when I was in there and my vocal cords are very sore," he says trying to hunch his way off the sand. Sparkles grabs puts her hand on his back holding him up next to her. Then he crouches down slightly holding his stomach.

"Please be okay. Your family misses you! They need you! I need you," Sparkles says as tears fall out of her eyes.

"I will keep trying to fight but..."Cal begins.

"Come on man no buts you keep fighting you have become one of best friends along with Spike," Vlad raises his voice to him walking over to them. Cal lets out a chuckle.

"Right back at you brother," Cal says after a big swallow.

"Yeah man you are a great friend of mine too. You both are," Spike says coming over to them as well. This makes Sparkles cry even more with a smile.

"I am glad you guys have become friends. Please Cal everyone needs you especially me," Sparkles says looking at him in the eyes and then hugging him tightly.

"I cannot even explain how long I've longed to hear those words. I love you Sparkles! "Cal gets out now breathing very heavily. Sparkles kisses him instantly and very deeply in an attempt to motivate him to keep fighting and give him some air. Cal wraps his arms around her hips to kiss her back and then releases them and gently parts from her lips then falls to the ground. He gives one last breath out and then his eyes shut and chest falls. This causes Cal's mom to start blubbering and Sparkles matches the sound. Spike grabs her in an embrace and Vlad joins them. She buries her face in Spike's chest trying to muffle her tears. Slowly she gets out of their embrace.

"You really cared about him didn't you?" Bert asks kindly looking deep in her eyes.

"I loved him," Sparkles says with a gentle smile. Suddenly the barrier begins to come down what appears to be on its own. Sparkles looks up and sees the creator making in come down with hands pointed down at it. He looks straight at her and smiles.

"This young lady has shown the love you are to have for one another through her love of a vampire and a human. May you all remain kind, loving, and accepting of one another. Your ancestors powers now run through all of you, use them wisely and work together," His voice booms and then he snaps his fingers disappearing once more as the barrier completely goes away.

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