Chapter 8: The cermony part 2

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As they part her younger brother smirks at her then makes his way over to the rest of his family. A wolf council leader with shaggy dark red hair and beard makes his way to the center of the floor close to Sparkles. "Don't worry dear I am not going to ask you to dance," he says and she can only manage a chuckle before a mic is brought to him by her father. "Thank you Mr. Tails, alright ladies and gentlemen as you all know tonight is a very special night for Sparkles Tails. Her first hunt. Her first step as an adult. At this time she will choose out of an array of suitors who will be her first dance as a young woman. Would her suitors line up please along the back wall please everyone over there please move."

Several of her friends she grew up with are in line along with some of her brothers' friends. Each of them wearing similar suits with varying colors or patterns of ties. Sparkles is not even sure where to look all she can think about is Vlad probably getting very hungry by now. She stops thinking this when she sees someone she had never seen look this nice. Normally he sports basketball shorts, muscle top, and backwards cap when he isn't in his work uniform. His scraggly light brown her is now brushed and slicked back. The friend of her fourth oldest brother. She makes her way to him slowly trying to avoid eye contact to keep people guessing. She passes him once but then once she has gone past all of them she makes her way back to him. She lets out her hand which he grabs gracefully and kisses her hands lightly. "Hello Spike, shall we dance?" Sparkles says with a slight smile.

"It would be my pleasure Miss Tails," he says and leads her to the center of the floor. Her favorite slow song comes on "A thousand years" by Christina Perri.

"Spike you know you can call me Sparkles," she says still avoiding eye contact.

"You know my eyes won't turn you to stone," Spike says with a smirk. She slowly stops avoiding his eyes and looks directly at his bright green eyes. If greener eyes ever existed she has never seen any.

"I am sorry just not used to any of this. I mean I never thought any guys actually had interest in me," Sparkles says only half kidding. She knew of a couple guys who liked her like Max and Tom from school but she never thought her brothers' friends did. To them she always felt like the little sister to them as well.

"Getting time with you has been intimidating to some of us guys especially knowing your brothers," he says jokingly.

"Well maybe if these guys weren't planning to hurt me they wouldn't have anything to worry about," Sparkles says with a smile.

"I would never hurt you. I just want to see you happy," Spike says sincerely. Sparkles begins to blush and before she knows it the song is over.

"Is there going to another song I would love to dance with you again Spike?" She asks him. Before he can answer her father cuts in with the mic in his hand.

"Thank you everyone for coming to my beautiful daughter's ceremony. Now is the moment Spike will guide you along with five other adult wolves of your choice to the forest and hunting as a true wolf pack," her dad says. She looks at Spike who mouths 'chat later.' With that she chooses four of her oldest brothers along with her best friend Claire. Spike begins to lead her out but his friend and her brother pushes him aside once they get away from the house and sight of everyone.

"You really had to go with Spike my best friend?" He asks Sparkles quietly but angrily.

"What's the big deal?" Sparkles asks nonchalantly.

"You are my little sister and that is my best friend if he hurts you not only will I not want to be his friend I will want to kill him," he says.

"Bert I can fight my own battles and I won't let him hurt me besides he promised he wouldn't," Sparkles says. Bert begins to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"His promises are not worth-" he begins when Spike comes up beside them.

"Look Bert I only broke my promise with you because I was worried about you," Spike says.

"What are is he talking about? Is this about when we found out you were not sleeping during the day to lay on the beach without anyone else there and then falling asleep in classes during the day?" Sparkles asks.

"Precisely, and Spike here knew about it because I told him about it in confidence. However when my grades started to slip he told dad," Bert says and then runs forward.

"I was only-" Spike begins.

"I know Spike you look out for him I appreciate it. Do you know how much further we have before we are to transform?" Sparkles asks and before he could answer the wolves around and ahead of them begin to transform and so do they.

Sparks fly for Sparkles Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora