Chapter 3: The blue moon curse

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Sparkles starts stirring which wakes up Vlad. She wakes up as well. "Hi," Vlad says looking down at her.

"Hi, how long have we been-"Sparkles begins but as she looks up between the branches and leaves of the tree she knew her answer. "It's daylight," she finishes frantically getting up.

"What there is no way," Vlad says getting up and peaks out between the limbs. Sure enough the blue moon was gone as was everyone on the lake and the sun had risen. "I am so dead. Other races are not meant to live with one another it is the law."

"You are only trapped, I will keep you hidden so nobody will kill you," Sparkles says recalling the song about the curse she was told when she was little.

It comes but once in a lifetime.
But beware the morning sunshine.
Barriers fall when blue moon rises.
Lands divided meet at night.
Home you come to be alright.
If you don't then there you stay;
Not to come home the next day.

"How will you keep me hidden until the next full moon and besides you barely know me why would you want to let me live?" Vlad asks.

"I have never believed that anyone was truly bad despite any race they may be," Sparkles says.

"Where will I go? What will I eat?" Vlad asks panicky peering between the branches behind Sparkles.

"You can stay here and I can gather herbs, fruits, and vegetables for you everyday," Sparkles says grabbing his hand.

"And what I am just supposed to live like this what about my family, my home, and the life I had?" Vlad asks.

"I wish I could help this is all I can do," Sparkles says.

"If I get to see you everyday darling, then it was worth it," Vlad says squeezing her hand.

"Sparkles," the voice of Sparkles' mom shouts in the distance.

"I gotta go stay here for now, I am the only one who ever comes back here," Sparkles letting go is his hand.

"Thank you," Vlad says with a smile. She nods and heads out of the branches and leaves.

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