Chapter 2: Getting to know Vlad

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"Trust you, I barely know you. However even if you take me to my death I could die happy if you were the last person or creature I ever saw," Vlad says and then takes her hand. Sparkles starts guiding him away from the barrier and to the lake where her friends are but stays far enough back that they don't see them. They are hidden underneath a weeping willow which leaves look a brighter green with the moons light shining on it. Sparkles sits down on the sand by it and guides Vlad to sit across from her.

"What is it like over there?" Sparkles asks he sits down.

"What specifically do you want to know about it?" Vlad asks her smugly.

"What do you guys do for fun? Ooh and what do you learn about in school? Also, most importantly what do you eat?" Sparkles asks eagerly.

"Well we like making and listening to music, all kinds of sports and my favorite one is bat racing. We sleep all day so school never begins until the sun is completely down. We learn basic math, science, and English. We also learn health benefits from animals blood. They are our source of most of our energy so we do not eat the animals just drink there blood. We do eat tons or herbs, fruits, and veggies. Now you answer the same three questions gorgeous," Vlad says enthusiastically.

"That sounds very interesting. I couldn't imagine not eating animals that is all we eat. We do have fruits, herbs, and veggies but we hardly use them. As for school we also have school when the sunsets because it offsets a werewolf if they are used to being asleep at night and then as an adult to transfer to hunting at night. So to keep the transition smoother everyone sleeps during the day. Sometimes though I get sleepy even at night," Sparkles replies.

"I sometimes get tired at night and I could never figure out why. Are you ready for the deeper questions?" Vlad asks scooting beside her now.

"Knock yourself out," Sparkles says smiling at him digging her hands into the sand to hide the shaking they are doing.

"Do you think you are ready to begin your adult life as a hunter?" Vlad asks her. Sparkles is taken aback and avoids his eyes.

"This is your first full moon since your birthday too then I guess?" Sparkles asks because that is what signifies the end of childhood life and beginning of adult for werewolves and vampires.

"Yes, but don't avoid the question. Are you ready for it?" Vlad asks again more intensely.

"I want to be but it feels like it will be even more routined and planned out than my life already is. At twenty-one I will even have to find a mate by the end of the first month of that age if I am not already married by that age or it will be arranged since I am a woman. Guys can take until they are twenty nine to find a wife or be arranged with one. I want more than my parents life," Sparkles says and adds, "I don't know why I bother telling you this you probably don't understand or care."

"On the contrary I understand completely that is how we are except we don't get a say at all. Our parents set us up years ago with someone we may have never even met," Vlad says and adds, "Also, any word you say to me I care to hear even if it hurts."

"I wish all guys were like you," Sparkles says cuddling close to him. He wraps his arms around her and holds her close.

"I wish all girls were like you," Vlad says yawning. He looks down at Sparkles and notices she has fallen asleep. He knows he should move her but just as he tries to his eyes get heavier and he drifts off to sleep as well. They both forgot all about the blue moon curse.

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