Chapter 17: Party crashers

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As soon as they enter everyone is so busy chatting, eating, and dancing to even notice the guest of honor has rejoined the party. Everyone except Bert who locks eyes with her looking from her to Spike. He makes his way over to Spike and Sparkles steps between them. "Bert this is not what you think he just wanted me to get me a gift I asked for," Sparkles says looking directly at Bert who looks like he is about to blow a fuse.

"Yeah and what pray tell is that? Don't lie I am not stupid," Bert says reaching for Spike's throat but Sparkles pushes it back. She lets go of Spike's hand and shows Bert the pen with the side of Spike's name facing him.

"Since when are you territorial Spike? You have always been a player if you hurt my sister I will end you along with all of my brothers. If I find out you got her," Bert stops talking as soon as Vlad and Cal throw rocks through the door and storm in the room.

"Who are these creatures? Why are they here?" Sparkles hears her father shout in his very low growling voice. Sparkles is petrified and even when Spike tries to get her to run she is spotlighted by Vlad who flew over to where the technician is.

"Leaving so soon birthday girl," Vlad says in a tone Sparkles has never heard. "You didn't think you could outrun us could you?"

"What are you doing here Vlad and Cal. Spike did you set this up?" Sparkles looks back at Spike and he looks just as petrified.

"He didn't. We wanted to see you even if just on the outside. However, while outside we saw you locking lips with our caretaker. Is that the mind games taking care of us making you look good for your prize? Or has she been falling in love with you over time anyways?" Cal says going to the center and Vlad turns on another spotlight on Cal. Sparkles looks straight at Spike ready to pounce him herself even though she has grown to love Spike she wonders what he will say. Now Bert holds her back.

"What are they talking about? Do you know them? You could be killed by enticing them here," Bert whispers in her here.

"How do you creatures know my daughter and how did you get here? Is the barrier down and why are you here?" Her father demands going up the stairs immediately to wear Vlad is manning the lights. Vlad turns into a bat and comes directly down right in front of Sparkles.

"You thought you could just move on after a year of leading me on. You are the reason we are both stuck here," Vlad says loudly for everyone to hear into a microphone Cal has brought to him.

"Is this true Sparkles do you love this Vampire?" Her dad demands. Sparkles looks from Vlad to Cal to Spike. She cries and runs not stopping as she transforms into her wolf form and just continues on further and further into the woods. Several thoughts run through Sparkles' mind. What if I just killed them all? The three guys who have risked so much to win my heart and I just sent them to their deaths and probably my own.

These thoughts end as she tumbles down a hill which transforms her back to her human form. She lets out a whimper and then hears the crunching of leaves from above her. Someone is on the hill. She thinks to herself scared. She slowly makes her way to the nearest tree to hide behind. The crunch of leaves comes closer and she can tell there are more than one pair of feet.

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