Chapter 13: Sparkles learns about Cal

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Sparkles lightly taps Cal and he wakes up. "Hey cutie how are you?" Cal asks stretching as he sits up.

"Great are you sure you want me here I can come back later if you want," Sparkles says.

"All good sweetheart I will get sleep later you are the reason I came here," Cal says looking at Sparkles in the eyes. She notices his light brown eyes and smiles at the sight of them.

"Look I don't want to lead you on or anything I am here to get to know you as a person," Sparkles says.

"I get that Sparkles no worries. What do you want to know?" Cal says to her reassuringly.

"Let's start with what you thought of me when you first laid eyes on me?" Sparkles asks intrigued to know the answer.

"For someone not trying to lead me on you ask some confusing questions," Cals says with a smirk.

"I am sorry I was just curious what you saw in me?" Sparkles asks looking away from him frowning.

"I was just teasing you miss. I saw someone being kind to her friends, funny because you made them laugh and saw such a beautiful young woman," he says using his hand placed under her chin to raise her head up. Sparkles smiles at the sight of those beautiful brown eyes.

"That is very sweet of you. What is it like where you are from?" Sparkles says to him as he removes his hand from her chin.

"Boring we sleep at night but sometimes my friends and I sneak out to have some fun. We like night swimming, anytime we like to fish, and I personally enjoy a nice book by to read with my feet in the lake or at least the sand during the day obviously. Kinda fun how there is a lake on each part of the barrier but the barrier runs all the way down through the planet that no one could even try to swim over," Cal says with a smile.

"Do you know this from experience?" Sparkles says raising an eyebrow at him.

"No from the books I have read. I mostly like fiction but the occasional history books I like as well," Cal retorts back and then adds, "I wish I could've the moment I saw you Sparkles."

"You are too much you know," Sparkles says blushing causing him to chuckle.

"I take that as a compliment. What about you? You are the only girl right? What's it like having a bunch of Brothers?" Cal asks smirking.

"Well the five older brothers think they know better than me and the two older ones closest to my age are very protective of me," Sparkles says recalling Bert being protective when he found out about Spike.

"What about the younger brothers?" Cal asks.

"The youngest is like my best friend and seems to know more about me than anyone else. He is thirteen and the best secret keeper out of anyone in my family. His name is Max. The other four are to busy being girl crazy and sports to try to get to know," Sparkles says chuckling. Cal stretches his arms up and yawns. "You should get some sleep. I should probably get going anyways," she says.

"Well it's been a pleasure. Take care of Vlad he seems like a cool guy," Cal says winking at her. She blushes and hugs him goodbye. Then she gets up and leaves the cave making her way to the willow tree.

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