Monty sighed sympathetically  "must be hard for you huh?"  Eclipse wants this little chat to be over soon, he's uncomfortable and anxiety filled that he'll slip up or Sun and Moon will start crying."Yeah..." he said "I still see them" Monty said softly "I hear Earth is helping you though!" Eclipse forced back a grunt and said "yep, well I got some kids left in the daycare over closing hours, more horrible parents, so I got work to do, nice talking to you Monty" Monty said "nice talking to you Sun, bye" Eclipse replied "bye" Computer said "ending call" Eclipse groaned throat hurting from mimicking Sun's voice.

It didn't hurt doing that before the bunker... ah whatever. He dismissed it and rubbed his eyes, "well that sucked..." he grunted and Computer said "I hate you but I'm helping you out in this cause this is amusing to watch" Eclipse growled "ha ha, very funny" Sun kept slobbering all over his hand and he pulled his hand away and before Sun could cry he shoved a wooden cube in his hands which he chewed instead.

He wiped his hand on "his" pants and whined softly, he never ever made a sound like that so he coughed to hide it. Of course, Computer was a super computer so he made himself look like a moron. Great.

Moon fell back asleep on his leg and snored loudly and Eclipse groans and tried to pick Moon up and move him off him only to have Moon bite his hand fiercely in pure defiance. Eclipse yelped and pulled his hand back "jeez!" Computer laughed loudly "he's still feisty!" Eclipse's rays drooped in embarrassment "shut up" he put his hands in his face questioning his life choices.

By questioning he was doing this.

Maybe if I didn't do this and that then I wouldn't be here, or I'm a idiot.

He hates wearing Sun's pants to, embarrassing. He tried to use the star to save at least some of his remaining dignity but it wouldn't work. He shut his eyes tiredly and Moon continued to sleep and Sun chewed on the wooden block.

My life can't get any worse right?

He let out a slight cough and cleared his throat, Computer frowned "ya know, I am noticing that your breathing is a little labored, is there a reason for that?" Eclipse realized... it was. It was a little labored, he just didn't notice or just got used to it and forgot about it. 

He was starting to worry now, "it is?" Computer grunted "you're a moron aren't you, staying in such a dusty atmosphere" Eclipse growled "since when do you care about me?!" Computer said "I don't, just saying. You shouldn't stay in dusty atmospheres for long, it can damage your lungs. You suck but right now I can tell I have to keep you alive sooooooo" Eclipse grunted and Sun climbs onto his leg and smacked a slobber covered hand straight in his face.

Eclipse felt a wet feeling on his face followed by a wet smack, he gagged and pushed Sun off and wiped his face with his sleeve desperately "EW EW EW EW-!" Sun coo'd and rolled onto the floor seeming to have different plans. 

Moon cracked an eye open looking at Eclipse and he stretched out and looked at Eclipse with wide bright and innocent eyes. 

He doesn't even know basic math.

Eclipse wiped the warm slowly dripping slobber off his face in disgust and Moon sat up and rolled onto Sun who squeaked and much to Eclipse's dismay, started crying. A loud shrill sound that even Computer hated by the way they shrunk back and yelled "SHUT THAT THING UP!" Eclipse yelped and Sun cries loudly and Moon tramples him.


Eclipse separated them and Sun continued crying. Begrudgingly Eclipse fixed his rays because they were bent up and angled weirdly from him being trampled, he hated doing this but he can't just leave them messed up for a variety of reasons. His fear of the entity aaaaannddd Sun may keep crying and the sound of crying is annoying.

Eclipse's Punishment||SAMS FANFIC!||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora