SIP Takeover (Warning Political Opinion Ahead It Is My Opinion)

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I found out that SIP had some major problems with the new apps that were cutting into their profits. Kate writes for them and helps with acquisitions. She has suggested on line presence numerous times and the company owner didn't want to put out the money to establish the websites. So I decided to have Roz do a hostile takeover and get things setup for on line books sales. Barney has Tia and Tara working on the programs. Since Kate knows so much about it I ask her how she would feel about managing the company for me. Elliott wasn't thrilled at my suggestion and had a private chat with me, which caused a fight between he and Kate. I was told by mom and dad that I should have chatted with Elliott before making the offer. I told them it was strictly a business decision and I should never have to ask a persons spouse if I can make their significant others permission to offer anything to them. I would never get anything done if I did that each time.

When I heard they offered the management position to Kate Kavanagh I lost it. I thought they would give me a shot at it. I was then asked what I knew about the on line books and how they work? I knew little to nothing regarding it. Kate knows much more and she is bringing in her own team to help get everything done for our new websites to sell books on line and the software we will need. This is why I wasn't offered the position, but they will be training us on various aspects of it. My anger was diminished greatly and I was one of the first to be trained on the website. The editing and acquisitions process helps eliminate so many piles of submissions into files on a hard drive. No more scanning things into our editing system.

Elliott and I had some major discussions about my taking the management position at SIP and he told me that I couldn't take the job. Well that was the last straw on him bossing me around. He does this at his company, but I am not his employee, I am his wife and mother of our child. I reminded him that this is not the good ole days where women were considered property of her husband and had to obey them or face dire consequences. Horror stories of what men were allowed to do to their wives without any repercussions. Women also couldn't inherit, own property and only her husband could inherit her families wealth. We should sue to get back the wealth taken away from our female ancestors. But the amount of people suing would be astronomical. We can only hope to keep our rights and be treated like the rest of the workers.

AN: I am for equal pay for equal work along with equal rights. So I used Kate to make a statement. Forgive my interjections of my stand on these things. Okay on with the chapter.

After we got all our thoughts out and mom and dad listened to me rant, they sat me down and told me exactly where I made my mistake. After hearing my dr mother tell me how hard it was to become a surgeon because she was a woman and always thought lessor than her male counterparts I saw her point. I know my mother is superior to most of her male counterparts in surgery. She had to fight to get the same salary as they were given. Both my parents were very angry at my behavior and told me to go back and apologize to Kate. I couldn't argue with their points and I started thinking about how my company is run. I need to find out if we treat women equally.

I took the job and Tara and Tia and I worked hard getting things set up and Barney helped set it all up and trained us all on everything. Soon we were getting an overflow of work and authors were sending us their stories on line. We still took in books the usual ways. The graphics department was very thrilled about the new system because they could easily change what the covers looked like. It is working great. Jack Hyde was hostile at first but he caught on to the system and it cut down on his time spent redlining the physical books he still receives. We have those scanned in and he can edit directly into the system. It takes less time and we hired new staff and he is head of editing now.

Elliott and Kate settled their disagreements and they are back to being the touchy feeler couple who embarrass us in public. I don't doubt there will be a new baby soon and sibling to Ava. There are all kinds of children that join us for family bbq's now. Our families combined are really growing. Kate and Ethan have siblings they never knew about. Enid is the owner of Kavanagh Media and Eamon is managing it now. He is still salaried but he gets none of the profits. She has turned it around and has created new departments and on line circulations. Plus she has expanded into magazine and television. It amazes me how she got in there and took charge and made great strides with the place. Apparently she's listened to Kate about a number of the changes. She took her ideas and ran with them. Eamon married again and his wife isn't happy about not having the same income as he did before. I don't see that marriage lasting long.

Elliott listened to his mother and me about his attitude and changed his ideas. She told me that if I thought I was in charge of our marriage I was wrong because we are equal in our marriage and everything else. She fought with the hospital and got her equal pay to other surgeons who were male. They had to start paying the same pay to everyone. Pay raises were based on their abilities as well. My wife is a very talented doctor.

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