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[Vincent's pov]

It's become somewhat of a ritual for me and Mitchell to meet up at the bench every few days, I'm already at the park and I have to scan the entire area before I can find him

there he is, smoking by the bench as usual. I want to lecture him about the dangers of smoking some time, but I don't want to sound like a lame psa

"hey Mitch" I grin as I sit down on the bench beside him, he just gives me a smile

"I was sort of wondering if we could exchange numbers? It gets kinda tiring walking here all the time."

he thinks for a moment, blowing out some smoke and faces towards me

"here.. I was gonna give it to you anyway" he reaches in his pocket and hands me a torn piece of paper with a number on it

"thanks man, I'll call you" I give a warm smile


"I wonder if it'll rain again.." Mitchell starts, it's not often that he starts a conversation on his own, but I'm always happy to listen when he does

"probably, the clouds are kinda dark.. you should come over to my place if it does" I've been wanting to ask for a while, but I didn't know how.. I just hope to god that he doesn't turn it down

"yea sure.. do you live close?"

I nod in response, he snuffs out his cigarette and sits back against the bench

Mitchell's the only friend if I'm being honest.. he doesn't say much, but I enjoy his company.. we have good talks sometimes, and he always has something interesting to say.. like how his dad is a detective for the local police department, and comes home to tell him about the last crime scene he saw.. I can't wait to meet the guy


"so.. at your place you told me you were adopted? what happened to your real parents..?

the expression on his face changes.. he looks livid, like he wants to hit me

that's when I realise I've asked the wrong question.. a very wrong question

"I don't want to talk about it"

"well.. I won't make a big deal out of it.. I just want to know—"


he hits me.. hard

I end up on the ground with a bloody nose

"ask me about anything.. just don't bring up my parents.. got it?"

he's livid, fist trembling and teeth gritted.. I stand up

"you didn't have to hit me!" I push him back, he slaps me

It turns into a fight, pushing each other, punching, kicking..

he pushes me to the ground and straddles me, I earn a knuckle to the face and my nose is bleeding harder..

"alright..! I'm sorry! just get off!" I scream at him

he backs off.. but instead of walking away, he extends a hand to pull me up..

I'm confused, but I take it

"that was fun.. we should do that again some time.."

he leans closer to my confused face and wipes some of the blood away with his sleeve

"I don't hate you, Vince.. I just needed to blow off some steam"

"there's blowing off steam and then there's beating your friend to a pulp.. they're two different things"

he just chuckles and lights another cigarette.. I wasn't even aware it started raining..

"hey.. it's raining.. can I still come over?" he grins

I'm still stunned and half dazed, and my words come out slurred, but I manage to reply



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