I Love You, You Fool!

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"Neither there is any Chemistry nor Physics between us, if there's anything its just Accountancy

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"Neither there is any Chemistry nor Physics between us, if there's anything its just Accountancy." I say while drying my wet hair with a towel. I immediately took a shower after the incident that happened in the ceremony with that khadoos.

"Accountancy?? " All my girls scream after hearing what I said. How can they even say that I have a chemistry with that jerk.

"yes, I settle the Account for all his misbehavior." I threw the towel on the chair in anger and the three of them slap their foreheads hearing me speaking rubbish.

"But how did you even put the colour on him?" Alisha asked.

"My foot got stuck into something making me lost my balance and then the plate slipped from my hands." I told them the truth.

"So technically it was your fault." Alisha reminds me.

"I know and I was going to apologise until he acted like a jerk. I mean who reacts like this at such small things ? " Like yes I know I should've been careful but there was absolutely no need for him to create such a big scene at the ceremony.

"He's a bit reserved Jiya. I don't know much about him except a few things that I've known from Ishaan. He's been through a lot at a very young age, maybe that's what made him like this." Ahaana joins our conversation defending Atharva.

Now I feel guilty. "Should I apologise? "
But at the same time this does not give him a lisence to treat anyone like a trash everyone has their ups and down in their lives I had too. Do U behave rudely every single second?

"I think you both have already settled your accounts with each other, its better if you both stay away from each other now. " Alisha suggests.

"You're right." I nodded

The topic of discussion was diverted when Samaira asked an interesting question.

"Ahaana! Did you have fun during the power cut in the engagement ceremony."

"Fun during power cut?" What is Samaira even talking about? How can someone have fun in a freaking power cut? I was literally struggling with that khadoos.

My attention diverts towards Ahaana whose cheeks have turned red by now. Is she...by any.... chance blushing?

"Tell me! Tell me! I want the details of the surprise Ishaan gave you." Samaira excitedly walk towards Ahaana.

"Shut up, there's nothing like that." She tries to run away but Samaira beats her speed and stops her.

"Stop lying. Aarush came to me before the engagement party to ask me for help."

"WHAT? " The three of us shout hearing what Samaira said.

"Why would he ask you?" I questioned, what'seven going on here?

"I don't know, he told me that Ishaan informed him to ask one of us for the help as it will be easier. "

"And what was the surprise? " Alisha asks.
"I don't know. Aarush came to our room before the engagement and asked for the help. Even he didn't know the what the surprise was."

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