"Still..." She said, still looking the other way. "Is it safe to look?"

"Yeah." I laughed softly and Angelina looked around. "Let's get going."

"Before Fred and George get into a frenzy." Angelina grinned, she looped her arm with mine, just as Jazz lifted herself from my bed. Angelina's eyes flickered to my arm where her hand rested. "Wait, what's that?"

The party was already in full swing when we got there. Music blaring, people drinking. I saw Harry talking to Ron and Hermione in the corner, his golden egg on the table next to him, while his fingers drummed on the top of it. Draco, Blaise and Theo were sitting on the couch all with a drink in their hands. Fleur was in the corner talking to a seventh-year Hufflepuff which I can't remember the name of. Even Viktor was there, leaning against the fireplace. Several admirers were talking to him, he responded with short answers as his eyes were on Hermione. Lee was handling the music, and the twins were in the corner talking to a few girls. Nobody noticed us entering the room, that was until Lee spotted us and turned down the music.

"Our number one girl has arrived!" He shouted over the people who were still talking.

Then all the heads in the room snapped to us. My eyes were on the twins and the look they gave me, as they looked me up and down made a shiver run through my whole body. Jack leaned down and whispered.

"Oh, just friends my ass. He was lying his ass off." Jack laughed. I looked away from the twins to slap him on the chest. "They already look like they want to kill me. And I just have my arm around you. What would happen if I-" He didn't speak any further, he just tilted my chin up and kissed me. When we pulled back, he winked. "Oh, I'm a dead man." He laughed again and I looked towards the twins. If looks would kill, Jack would definitely be a dead man.

"It doesn't matter if he lied or not, we can't be more than friends. I won't come between them." I whispered back. Jack was about to reply but was interrupted when Draco wrapped me in a hug.

"You had me so worried." He said when he pulled back.

"When you flew in the air, Draco was ready to jump in the enclosure." Blaise chuckled.

"I was not." Draco huffed. He was pushed aside by Harry, who wrapped his arms around me. "Watch it, Potter." He said but it wasn't in the sneering way he used to do it. He looked almost amused.

"I got your egg." He said when he pulled back. "It's next to mine." When I looked over his shoulder, I needed to strain my neck to see it, since they were exactly the same. "I wanted to open it with you." He smiled. "Are you okay? I heard what happened."

"I'm fine." I looked around the room. "I'm fine," I repeated a little louder. "Everyone can stop asking." I smiled. The twins hadn't come closer, they were still in the corner with those girls.

"Open the eggs!" A voice I didn't recognize called out. Ron came over carrying the two eggs with a beaming smile that I didn't return. I couldn't just get past the fact he dropped Harry for the past two months. And now he was there to share the glory.

"Ready?" I asked Harry when we both held one in our hands. All eyes were on us, leaning closer intrigued. Harry nodded, holding the top of the egg. "Three, two, one." We twisted at the top and a loud horrible screeching sound filled the room. People clapped their hands over their ears as we quickly closed the eggs.

"Well, that was pleasant." Draco said sarcastically, making others chuckle. He glared at a few Hufflepuffs, who stopped immediately.

"What the bloody hell was that?" The twins asked in unison, apparently, they had come closer at one point.

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