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Rain. Of course. Wasn't enough that my shitbag of a step-dad dumped a bucket of freezing cold water to wake me up for my first day at this new school, but of course, my day has to start with rain.

Rain that I have to walk in to get to the school because, of course, my step father never lets me drive his car. God forbid I even breath near his precious mercedes.

The warm water from the shower after being drenched in ice water makes me take a deep satisfied breath. I gotta prepare myself for the cold outside. There's a harsh pound on the door that makes my hands freeze on my hair.

"Hurry your ass up!" Darwin shouts.

Shitty step-father, shitty name. "alright i'm almost done" I respond calmly, even though my blood is boiling as it usually does whenever he yells at me like that.

My jaw tightens when he pounds again. "Did you hear me? hurry the fuck up!". My hands tighten and I close my eyes with a deep breath.

Another pound. "OKAY! I FUCKING HEARD YOU!" I yell, banging my fist on the tiles beside me. My shampoo bottle falls off the shelf in response and hits the floor.

Breathe. Relax.

I huff and pick it up as Darwin continues to shout. "Don't cuss at me kid! hurry up or you'll miss the bus" he speaks once more, then I hear faint footsteps.

My hand leans on the tiles infront of me, I look to the floor and water falls over my neck. My second hand wipes a over my face and I sigh with a weight in my chest.

He doesn't know i'm just going to walk. I refuse to take the bus. I'm heavily claustrophobic, I could never take the bus or train back in Manhattan without triggering a panic attack. He doesn't know about that either. If he did he'd clown me for it. Call me less than a man.

And I just know the public transport here in Australia would be just as busy if not more. I seen one of the buses when we first landed here, that metal box was packed the fuck up. Just seeing the amount of people on that bus made me take a deep breath.

Stupid. I'm 6'1, decently lean, and i'm scared of tight spaces. Embarrassing. But it can't be helped after that night.

That night...

Before I get lost in thought I shake my head and turn off the shower. Thank god I chose to bring my clothes
into the bathroom with me, I don't have to walk past the bastards room two more times and hear shit from him.

When i'm dry and clothed, I take a quick look in the mirror. Cleaned up the facial hair last night so i don't need to worry about shaving, my eyes scan my dark brown dreads and i debate weather I should hide them or not.

I've heard too many stories about racism in Australia, and I don't feel like having people gawk at my hair on my first day. So I huff and decide to go with the beanie, I tuck the rest of my hair beneath my hood.

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