Did You Run Out Of Love?

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Even though a narcissist Eunwoo was absolutely committed to rosé as he assumed she was to him, and the idea that she had a sexual interest in another man just never crossed his mind. Of course, except for that uncharacteristic modeling appearance, his trust was well placed. Their sexual relationship was excellent, which he thought and her love for him was apparent that nothing would cause him to suspect that she was having another relationship while he was away. Of course, the violation of that pure trust would make the truth even more devastating if it were to be discovered! And, inevitably, that is what happened.

As so often the case, the concealment of rosé's affair began to fail in a completely innocuous manner. Eunwoo was preparing for a three night conference in the NY and, as usual, had left his office at noon to pack and have a little extra time with her before he left. They ate lunch and, in a casual conversation she mentioned that the television news had been reporting on a rise in nighttime home break-ins in the last few weeks.

"Didn't the realtor we had when we bought this house say something about a security system? I seem to remember something about it."

"You're right, but we didn't do anything about it. It involved motion activated cameras that would send a message to a central office if someone broke in and they would send the police. It was pretty expensive and had never been used because this is a very safe locality. Still, if it would make you feel better while I'm gone, I'll check it out before I go. It's too late to make arrangements for the monitoring service for this week, but I'll see if the equipment works. I really don't think that it's necessary though - those break-ins were in the next town over."

Nothing further was said, but after completing his packing he went downs into the store room and found the security equipment. It obviously had never been used since an instruction pamphlet was taped over the controls. He had expected a bare-boned system installed merely as an appeal to prospective buyers, but it was surprisingly sophisticated. Rather than merely sending an electronic report to the central office that a break-in had occurred, it actually would send a video picture, cutting down on expensive and disturbing false alarms.

It turned out that three rooms were covered: first, the living room which a robber would likely go through, second, the office or study where expensive computers or a safe might be located and, finally, the bedroom where jewelry would be found.

"My god, I didn't even know that we had cameras in the house! This certainly sounds like overkill! Let's look at the settings and see how this thing works." Eunwoo said to himself and delve into the security software.

Fortunately it was very user friendly application. And With his laptop synchronized to the desktop, he could have checked to see if it's working while he was in NY

"Great! This is certainly simple to set up. All right, hit the on button and we're under way."

The stage was set for the coming disaster.

It really was a shame because there were so many ways in which things could have worked with no damage done Eunwoo could have continued in blissful ignorance of rosé's infidelity. Ashley's scorn of rosé's adultery and her warnings about what she was risking had taken root. She and Ashley had discussed the issue several times since that first shocking disclosure and rosé had admitted that what she was doing was wrong - actually despicable - and that it had to stop. She accepted that everything Ashley had said was true all but she was not ready to put end to this illicit affair.

Eunwoo, of course, was oblivious to all this incidents. It was just another monthly meeting, nothing special and, as he kissed his girlfriend goodbye Wednesday afternoon, he didn't know that he was heading into the eye of a storm that he didn't know existed.

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