Still With You ( 6 )

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I drove chaeyoung home from the orphanage later that night. At first I wasn't sure whether I should pull the old yawn move and put my arm
around her shoulder, but to be honest, I didn't know exactly how she was feeling about me. She was
looking out the window with a peaceful look on her face, kind of smiling, but far away at the same time. I smiled. Maybe she was
thinking about me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I finally said, in the hopes of bringing her back to me.

"Sure," she said.

I took a deep breath.

"After church tomorrow, and,well . . . after you've spent some time with your father . . . I mean . . ." I paused and looked at her.

"Would you mind coming
over to my house for Christmas dinner?"

Even though her face was still turned toward the window, I could see the faint outlines of a smile as soon as I'd said it.

"Yes, Jungkook, I would like that very much."

I sighed with relief, not believing I'd actually asked her and still wondering how all this had happened

A couple of minutes later when I reached across the seat, I finally took hold of her hand, and to
complete the perfect evening, she didn't pull it away. When we pulled up in front of her house, the lights in the living room were still on and I could see Mason behind the curtains. I supposed he was waiting up because he wanted to hear how the evening went at the orphanage. Either that, or he wanted to make sure I didn't kiss his daughter on the doorstep.

Now I didn't know if chaeyoung would kiss me; in fact, I actually doubted that she would. But with her looking so pretty, with her hair down and all, and everything that had happened tonight, I didn't want to miss the opportunity if it came up. I could feel the little butterflies already starting to form in my stomach when Mason opened the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow," "Thank you for driving me home," she said.

With that, she turned around and walked inside. I could barely see the slight smile playing gently across her lips as she peeked around
the door, just as it was about to close.

The next day I picked her up right on schedule and was pleased to see that her hair was down once more. She was wearing the sweater I'd
given her. Both my mom and dad were a little surprised when I'd asked if it would be all right if chaeyoung came by for dinner.

My mother and father were both dressed very nicely, as was I, and my mother kissed chaeyoung hello on the cheek. My mother, I couldn't help but think as I watched her do it, had scored before I did. My parents and chaeyoung carried on the most marvelous conversation.

After dinner I invited her to walk around the garden,

"Your parents are wonderful people," she said to me.

"They're nice," I responded, "in their own way

"Does your father like me?" I asked. I wanted to know if Mason would allow me to see her again.

It took a moment for her to answer.
"My father," she said slowly, "worries about me."

"Don't all parents?" I asked.

She looked at her feet, then off to the side again before turning back to me.

"I think that with him, it's different from most. But my father does like you, and he knows that it makes me happy to see you. That's why he let me come over to your house for dinner tonight."

"I'm glad he did," I said, meaning it.

"So am I."

We looked at each other under the light of a waxing crescent moon, and I almost kissed her right then, but she turned away a moment too soon.

There was something different in the whole way my feelings for her had unfolded. This wasn't like being with Mina, whom I'd kissed the first time I was ever alone with her. I still hadn't kissed chaeyoung. I hadn't even hugged her or taken her to a movie. I hadn't done any of the things that I normally did with girls, yet somehow I'd fallen in love.
The problem was, I still didn't know how she felt about me. but there was also the way she'd looked at me when she'd closed the door on Christmas Eve, and she'd let me hold her hand on the ride home from the orphanage. To my way of thinking there was definitely something there-I just wasn't exactly sure of how to take the next step.

The following day I walked to her house, and the first thing I noticed was that Mason's car wasn't in the driveway. When she answered
the door, I knew enough not to ask her if I could come in.

"Hello, Jungkook," she said as she always did, as if it were a surprise to see me.

Again her hair was down, and I took this as a positive sign.

"Hey, chaeyoung" I said casually.

She motioned to the chairs. "My father's not home, but we can sit on the porch if you'd like. . . ."

Don't even ask me how it happened, because I still can't explain it. One second I was standing there in front of her, expecting to walk to the side of the porch, and in the next second I wasn't. Instead of moving toward the chairs, I took a step closer to her and found myself reaching for her hand. I took it in mine and looked right at her, moving just a little closer.

She didn't exactly step back, but her eyes widened just a little, and for a tiny, flickering moment I thought I'd done the wrong thing and debated going any further. I paused and smiled, sort of tilting my head to the side, and the next thing I saw was that she'd closed her eyes and was tilting her head, too, and that our faces were moving closer together.

It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I
can remember about the moment is that when our lips first touched, I knew the memory would last forever.


"You're the first boy I've ever kissed," she said to me.

"I figured I might have been," I said.

"Why?" she asked innocently. "Did I do it wrong?" She didn't look like she'd be too upset if I'd said yes, but it wouldn't have been the truth.

"You're a great kisser," I said, giving her hand a squeeze.

She nodded and turned toward the ocean, her eyes getting that far-off look again. She'd been doing that a lot lately. I let it go on for a while before the silence sort of got to me.

"Are you okay, chaeyoung?" I finally asked.

Instead of answering, she changed the subject.

"Have you ever been in love?" she asked me.

I ran my hand through my hair and gave her one of those looks. "You mean before now?"

"I'm serious, Jungkook," she said, tossing me a sidelong glance.

"Actually, I have," I said finally.

Her eyes were still fixed on the ocean. I think she thought I was talking about Mina, but looking back, I'd realized that what I'd felt
for Mina was totally different from what I was feeling right now.

"How did you know it was love?" she asked me.

I watched the breeze gently moving her hair, and I knew that it was no time to pretend I was something that I actually wasn't.

"Well," I said seriously, "you know it's love when all you want to do is spend time with the other person, and you sort of know that the other person feels the same way."

Chaeyoung thought about my answer before smiling faintly.

"I see," she said softly. I waited for her to add something else, but she
didn't, and I came to another sudden realization.

Chaeyoung may not have been all that experienced with boys, but to tell you the truth, she was playing me like a violin...
Advance Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 to all🌹❤️❤️

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