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Marjorie breathed out. "Marjorie." Jack mocked, "I thought you were kidding." she added, "Well, fun fact. Our last preseason game is together. At the Madison Square Garden." Jack mentioned. "Come in, my neighbors are nosy." She joked with teammates down the hall from her.

Jack chuckled as he saw her outfit. A zip up hoodie, a random t-shirt underneath and pants that didn't rise as much as men's pants did. She obviously didn't try like other girls would if he mentioned he was driving to them.

Marjorie smiled, "Would you like anything to eat, or drink?" She asked quickly and he smiled, while following her into the small open apartment kitchen. "Would I ever," He mumbled and she smiled. "I have pre made food that Nico brought me yesterday, Its uh—potato thing." she said pulling a container out of the fridge, "Oh is that what he was cooking the other day?" Jack asked and she shrugged.

"He thinks I can't survive on my own." Marjorie said rolling her eyes, "Why are you on your own?" Jack asked, "NHL made a bunch of policies when I joined to make sure I feel safe, and everyone else made sure I was safe." Marjorie explained.

"Which I think is stupid, cause it's not like New York is gonna keep me." she added, "You don't think you'll stay in New York?" Jack asked and she nodded. "I heard them talking, that they won't resign me unless there's good trades for me in a couple years." Marjorie said as she reheated the container.

Jacks mouth was agape. "You're joking. You're the best thing to happen to New York." Jack dramatized, "Are we forgetting that Wayne Gretzky played for the rangers?" She asked her friend, "Okay—maybe second best—But modernly best thing! Anyway, they're gonna just trade you away?" He asked and she nodded. "It happens to everyone." She said calmly.

"Let's just move on! I have two whole years for my contract." She mentioned, "Uh—My brother just started playing at university." Jack told her and she gasped, "You're a middle child!" she exclaimed, "I knew it!" she sang, "How do you know it?" he asked confused.

Marjorie laughed, "You're loud, and You make friends like it's nothing." she mentioned, "So do you." Jack told her and she nodded, "It's a thing with second born kids Jack. Anyway, What's your little brother like?" she asked smiling widely, "What about your older brother?" Jack asked and she giggled.

"I can't believe the topic of my boring big bad baseball brother made me giggle." Marjorie said with a groan.

"He's like every older brother. Annoying when he's around—but you miss him when he's away." Marjorie said and Jack could hear the tears building up.

Jack brought her into a hug. "I'm not gonna cry." she added as she wiped tears from underneath her eyes. "I know exactly what you mean Marj." Jack said softly.

His voice was calming, so calming that she melted into him. "Jack. I hate how you know what I mean." She told him in the same calm tone, "More than you hate Zegras?" Jack asked and she chuckled, "I hate him more than I could ever hate you." Marjorie said a smile forming on her face.

Jack smiled. It all happened so suddenly, they both were leaning in. It wasn't like it was their first kiss, probably their first kiss with someone who plays on a different hockey team.

Jack broke the kiss. "You're gorgeous." He mentioned and she smiled, "Thanks for saying that." She said happily, before Jacks eyes widened. "Wait—This shouldn't happen." he told her and she lost her smile.

Jack was at a crossroads, "You're on a different team. We can't be seen together." Jack told her and she nodded. "You're right." Marjorie added, "Yeah—Wait what?" Jack asked.

"Usually when girls get rejected they cry." he told her and she shrugged, "Usually when boys realize something they ignore it—until their reputation is at risk." Marjorie said in the same tone Jack used.

Jack sighed in relief, "Hey—My reputation isn't at risk." Jack added and she nodded, "If news got out. Then boy—that's a couple thousand articles." she said innocently.

"You're not gonna get with Zegras, yeah?" Jack wanted to confirm, "I could." She said jokingly, "You wouldn't though." "I could. You men and underestimating me." she joked and Jack frowned.

"Fuck this." Jack tom her and kissed her again. The rest may be discussed on a clearer time.



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liked by JACKHUGHES, TREVORZEGRAS and 279,973 others

spinning like a girl in a brand new dress

Dreht sich wie ein Mädchen in einem brandneuen Kleid



is the dress rangers coded bc i hate those colors sm
    Just for that. yes.

for two reasons.
    shut up

my fav swiss 😌
    it's scary she doesn't know who her favourite is.

Back to a first glance feeling at New York times 🏙️🌃🌆🌇

    prom isn't a thing in Switzerland??



yum yum yum

I want chocolate. It's like 2:39 in the afternoon. Exactly that. And i'm starved.


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