⚕️Artful Dodger I

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"She's alive," Lady Jane said as Belle slept.
"By the quick reactions and skill of Doctor Dawkins," Dr Sneed added.
"He is the best surgeon that I've ever seen. He diagnosed Belle correctly and left up to me or the professor, Lady Belle would be dead."
"What do you want me to do? Simply welcome a man of his standing into my family?"
"All I ask is that you do not commit Doctor Dawkins to death for saving Lady's Belle's life. Their relationship is not for my comment, neither is his standing: but Doctor Dawkins is a brilliant surgeon who has saved many lives, my own included. Do not send him to death for performing a ground-breaking medical achievement."


At the prison:
Fagin gave the release papers to the guard and he went to get the Governor.
"They hate me," Jack told Fagin.
"Belle. She almost died, but I saved her life."
"Then why do they hate you?"
"Because the surgery I performed was not consented for. They thought that I was wrong and I butchered her."
"But she's alive?"
"Yes. Yes, she opened her eyes. None's ever survived that surgery before."
"Is that why you're in chains?"
"Yes. And Bains always wanted me to be locked behind bars."
"It seems that everyone does," Fagin said and they both laughed.
"And I had sex with her."
"You did what?! No wonder they want you dead Dodge!"
"I love her."
"Then you marry the blood thing, but not a toff. You know how those people are."
"Belle is different. And she was dying."
"So you had sex with a dying lady? You're worse than I thought you were."
"I do love her you know."
"That's no excuse."
"It's not like you understand. You with your bloody dog."
"Daisy, and I loved her."
"Enough that you had sex with her?"
"Of course not!" Fagin said and Jack smiled.
"Either way, our only hope now is that release form."
"It will work Jack. Trust me."

The Governor arrived at the cells and Jack stood up.
"My wife said that if Belle died, you were to die. However, Belle lives, so I am left with no choice."
"No choice to do what?"
"To release you on bail."
"And my release?" Fagin interrupted the Governor.
"Approved. Bains signed it before he was killed."
"What are my charges?" Jack asked the Governor as his chains were removed.
"Trespassing, kidnapping and performing an unconsented medical procedure."
"I see. How is Lady Belle?"
"Improving. Your trial is in two days," The Governor said before he left them.

Fagin and Dodger found somewhere to sleep and Fagin planned for them to get on a boat to leave the island in three days time.


At the hospital:
Belle woke more and she became mobile.
"I wish to see Jack," She said on the second day as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"Her can't. He stands trial tomorrow," Her mother told her.
"Trial? For what?!" Belle cried out in horror.
"For trying to take your life."
"He SAVED my life. Left to you, I would have died."
"No. I will not allow it, he is of..."
"Lower standing? A criminal, who has been arrested for finding me as I was lying on the floor dying? He carried me to the surgical theatre and put me to sleep, knowing full well that the procedure I had asked him to do was likely to kill me. If I had died on that table, it would have been by his hand, he had been against operating, but I had insisted. He performed a miracle with incredible skill, thus saving my life. You cannot condemn him to death for that."

Lady Jane was quiet and Belle looked at Doctor Sneed.

"I wish to see him. As the Governor's daughter and a patient I would like to see Doctor Dawkins," Belle insisted. Doctor Sneed looked at Lady Jane and she nodded. He left to fetch Doctor Dawkins.
"I will stay throughout, and if you have any feelings towards each other, he will be thrown back in that cell," Lady Jane told Belle harshly and Belle nodded reluctantly.


Jack Dawkins & Belle:
"Doctor Dawkins."
"Doctor Sneed," Jack said as Rainsford found him. "How is Belle?"
"Well, and she wishes to see you."
"Am I allowed?"
"Yes. Lady Jane will allow it."
"A toff allowing a criminal to converse with their daughter, how nice."
"Shut up Fagin, lead the way," Doctor Dawkins said and Rainsford led the way to the hospital.

"Belle," Jack said as he came into the room.
"Jack," Belle replied and they hugged. After a moment, Belle let him go and Jack glanced at Lady Jane. He sat beside Belle and took her hand.
"You're alive."
"Thanks to you."
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired. But I am feeling better with each day that passes."
"I am very glad, so very glad."
"How did you manage it?"
"The hangman's knot. The knot of a noose allowed for the catgut to be easily hooked around the aorta and then adjusted. The rest was adrenaline and focus while I tried not to kill you."
"It was incredible. The first successful repair of an..."
"Aortic aneurysm, yes," Jack finished for her and they both smiled. "May I examine Lady Belle?" Jack asked as he addressed Lady Jane.
"Only with Doctor Sneed present."
"I will be back in a moment."
"Alright," Belle said and Jack went to find his colleague.

Once Jack had finished examining Belle, with Doctor Sneed present, he asked Lady Jane to come round. He sat beside Belle and took her hand.
"When I used the Ether, I knew that Belle was almost certainly going to die. The risks were overwhelming, and every practice that I had done had failed. But Lady Belle asked me to try. Either I did nothing and the aorta burst and she would have died: or I tried and because of me she would die on the operating table."
"But I lived. Because you saved me," Belle said and tear filled Jack's eyes before kissed her hand and he rested his head against hers.
"You need to leave now," Lady Jane said after a moment. "Thank you Doctor Dawkins but your trial is in the morning and all punishments are open to you aside from the noose. Which you helpfully have avoided by putting one into my daughter."
"Very well. But I would advise not having a gun held to a surgeon's head while he works to save a life in the future," Jack told Lady Jane bitterly as he stood up.
"What?!" Belle called out in shock.
"My charges Lady Belle. I am on trial because I came to your home with a solution, trespassing. I found you on the ground alone in desperate need of a doctor and I took you to the surgery, kidnapping. Then I operated on you with a gun held to my head in order to save your life, an unconsented medical procedure. It is these charges that your family has against me."
"Guards! Remove this man."
"No. Stop! Stop!" Lady Belle shouted as two guards started to take Doctor Dawkins away and they halted. "I drop all the charges."
"Belle. They are not yours to drop," Lady Jane forcefully told her daughter.
"I gave him leave to enter the house, I went with him willingly, and I gave him consent to save my life."
"You were barely conscious, delusional, Doctor Dawkins acted..."
"Under my wishes. I will not have him treated like a criminal for crimes that he has not committed. Let him go," Lady Belle said as she addressed the guards. "Now," She insisted and they released Jack. "I want to speak to the police governor."
"She is very tired."
"I want to speak to the police governor," Lady Belle insisted.

Jack was released of his crimes and he became a free man. Lady Jane however refused to let him see Belle any more, and Jack and Fagin were setting sail that evening.

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