🏰 Dani's Castle

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Dani's Castle
Gabe & Esme Alive
Dylan Hurt
Rich & Gabe

Gabe & Esme Alive
"Gabe! Gabe, what happened?" Dani asked as everyone rushed to him. He was outside, lying on his side by the river.
"Ah! I can touch you," Dani said as she touched him and Gabe looked at her as he sat up a little.
"Gabe. I think..."
"We're alive," Gabe said and Esme started to cry.
"What is happening?" Jimmy asked.
"Argh!" Gabe called before he grimaced.
"Gabe. Are you ok?"
"I'm... in pain."
"Arh," Esme gasped and Jimmy caught her. "So am I."
"Something's not... something's not right..." Gabe said before he passed out.
"Gabe? Gabe? Talk to me."
"Woah! Esme!" Jimmy called as Esme fell unconscious in his arms and he held her upright.
"Kate, get an ambulance."
"Make it two."
"I'm on it," Kate said and she rushed off.
"Gabe. Gabe, stay with me. Don't give up now. You're alive."
"Esme. Dani..."
"Is she ok?" Dani asked as Jimmy lay her onto the ground. "She's... I mean. She's breathing. Which is really strange."
"What about a pulse?"
"It's um... it's slow."
"How's Gabe?"
"Not good. He's burning up."
"You don't think..."
"They died once right?"
"Then they were ghosts. What if they're dying all over again? You know, going back to their human forms in the same state that they left them?"
"Oh no."
"We need those ambulances."
"They're on their way," Kate panted as she got back up the hill. They stayed with Esme and Gabe, worried sick. Thankfully, the paramedics arrived and took them both to hospital.

"Gabe? Gabe, are you awake?"
"My lady?" He asked and Dani squeezed his hand.
"What is it?" Gabe asked before he opened his eyes. "You're... how are you?"
"You're alive Gabe."
"Alive? How?"
"I don't know."
"Where am I?" Gabe asked as he looked around.
"You're in a hospital."
"It's... clean."
"Yeah. Look, you were dying Gabe. But," Dani said as Gabe looked at her in worry.
"I'm a..."
"No, you're better. Medicine has developed since you were last alive."
"The infection?"
"It's gone. With rest, you'll make a full recovery."
"Esme?" Gabe asked before he looked around him. "Where is Esme?"
"She's still unconscious. But she's being treated," Dani said as Gabe went to get up. "You need to rest Gabe. Esme is alright. I promise."
"I have your word?"
"You do."
"I shall see her soon?"
"Soon enough. You're not a ghost anymore Gabe, you need to look after yourself."
"Go to sleep."
"Yes. ... How do I do that again?"
"You close your eyes and let your mind... shut down."
"I don't want to... shut down."
"You won't. Just try it."
"Ok," Gabe said and he closed his eyes. "I don't think this... is going... to..." Gabe said before he fell asleep and Dani smiled.
"And as easy as that."

"Esme. Are you alright?" Gabe asked as he got to her bed and took her hand.
"You are unwell sister."
"Tell me... I'm scared..."
"Don't be scared Esme. You're alright," Dani reassured her.
"I am with you sister. Trust Dani. The people here will make you better. They have already made me better."
"The fever... is gone?"
"It is. Finally. I am alive sister."
"Then I too wish to be free of it."
"You will be Esme," Dani reassured her. "You will be."
"I'm... tired?" Esme said in confusion.
"Sleep sister. It is simple enough. I will stay with you," Gabe said before he sat down beside her.
"I don't know how to..."
"Close your eyes and it will come."
"It will be dark..."
"The darkness will end in light. Trust me sister. It will not be like death."
"Don't leave me Gabe."
"I won't," Gabe said and he gripped his sister's hand. Esme fell asleep and Gabe gasped.
"She's alright Gabriel."
"She's so still."
"She's alright. See here."
"Yes," Gabe said as he looked at the heart rate monitor.
"That's her heart rate. Her heart is beating."
"So she is alive?"
"And she is alive as long as that beats?"
"Ok," Gabriel said. He stayed with Esme from then on and he watched the heart rate monitor carefully.

Dylan Hurt
"Rich! Rich! You have to come quickly," Gabe said in a rush as he came into the room.
"What is it Gabe?"
"It's Dylan. He fell and he can't breathe."
"Come quickly," Gabe said and Rich rushed after him.

"Dylan!" Rich called as he saw him. He rushed to him and knelt down. "Dylan, talk to me."
"Argh. Argh," Dylan groaned as he moved and Rich tried to help.
"I'm here. I've got you."
"What hurts master Dylan?"
"My leg..."
"Which one?"
"Argh!" Dylan said as he reached a hand down to it.
"Ok. Come on, we need to get you to a hospital. I've got you."
"You will be alright master Dylan," Gabe said as Rich picked him up and started walking out of the house.
"What's going on? Dylan? What's happened?" Kate said as he joined them.
"He fell and has hurt his leg. I'm taking him to hospital."
"Good plan."
"Arh... argh..."
"I can't... breathe."
"Hold on mate," Rich said and he got Dylan into a car.

Rich & Gabe
"Gabe. I need to talk to Gabe," Rich said as he stormed into the castle. It was modern day and he'd just finished mending the fence.
"Master Richard?" Gabe asked as he appeared.
"You... What was that?"
"What was... that? Master Richard?"
"The 18th century."
"What about it?"
"You're dead. Now, I mean you were..."
"I was alive in the 18th century."
"Exactly. Look I was out fixing the fence and..."
"Master Richard. You have injured your head."
"Never mind that."
"Never mind it?"
"No. You gave me leeches."
"I did?"
"You did. Look Gabe. You were outside."
"Outside? But I can't go outside."
"Not now you can't."
"Master Richard. Perhaps you should lie down."
"No, listen to me. I was... I was..." Rich said as he swayed.
"Master Richard?"
"Rich!" Gabe called as Rich collapsed and Gabe rushed to him. "Wake up. Master Richard. Oh no. Jimmy. Jimmy! Kate!"
"What's going on? Rich!" Kate called and she rushed in as she saw him. She ran to his side and knelt beside him. "Rich, can you hear me? What happened Gabe?"
"He came in talking about the 18th century. After a few moments, he collapsed."
"Rich, are you ok? Richard?"
"We must get him to bed."
"Yes, Gabe. Help me to... Oh."
"I can get the doors."
"Thank you Gabe," Kate said and she lifted Rich up.

"Rich. Are you ok?"
"Yeah... I was out cold wasn't I?"
"You were. Scared Kate, Jimmy, and everyone. I rushed in when Gabe said that you'd collapsed."
"Collapsed?" Rich asked before he opened his eyes. A broad smile crossed his face and he hugged his brother.
"It's so good to see you Dylan."
"I saw you this morning."
"The last I saw you, you were cleaning chimneys."
"Don't worry about it. Where's Gabe?"
"Here," Gabe said as he teleported in holding a tray of food.
"Kate thought that you mind need some when you woke up."
"Thanks. Gabe, we need to talk."
"About the 18th century. I was there."
"But that's impossible."
"I know. Dylan was a chimney sweep, Kate was a maid, you and Esme were dressed as lord and lady of the manor. Oh, and Jimmy was a woman."
"A woman?!"
"Are you sure you're not just concussed and imagined all of this."
"Yes. Well, I might have done. Did you have a cousin Richard who lived in London?"
"I... did? How do you know that?"
"Because that's who I was. You were outside Gabe, when you greeted me. Kate came out, I was confused, and you noticed the bump of my head."
"So, I got some leeches for you?"
"Yes. And a bed."
"Oh. What a gentleman I am. Still master Richard, if this did happen I would have remembered this."
"That's true."
"What clothes were you wearing?"
"These ones."
"I definitely would have remembered it."
"Maybe you saw the name of Richard around the castle," Dylan added.
"It went into your subconscious memory so while you were out it brought it back up."
"Indeed. It is highly unlikely that you actually met me alive 300 years ago."
"I suppose so. And a memory that far in the past, you might not remember."
"Indeed. And you have not invented time travel in this time?"
"No. Not yet."
"Though people are trying to."
"How did you get the bump of your head Master Richard? It is quite bad."
"Oh, I was doing the fence and the end of the hammer came off and hit me."
"I was knocked out, don't know how long for, so thanks for coming to look for me."
"I didn't know."
"I can't go outside."
"But, if you were unconscious. Surely everything you are talking about is a dream."
"Maybe... I did wake up in the garden. Twice now I think about it."
"Then that solves it. You imagined it."
"I was still unconscious. Maybe I should see a doctor."
"Good idea," Dylan said and Gabe put the food down on the table.
"Rich. Kate said that you collapsed?" Dani asked as she came in in worry.
"Yeah. It's a long story. Are you able to take me to the GP this afternoon?"
"Yeah, of course I can. Are you alright?"
"Well, I was hit in the head by a lump of metal, knocked out two or maybe three times depending on how you count it, and ended up in a bed an unknown amount of time later."
"Knocked out three times?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Ok. I'll finish this job, then when you're feeling up to it, I'll get you to the doctor's."
"Great. Thanks Dani."
"No problem," Dani said and she left them to it.

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