👣 Thomas Brodie & Ava Sangster

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"Alright Ava, let's go. Ava?" Thomas asked as he came out from the bush and looked up at the top of the cliff. Looking down, he saw Ava lying on her side at the base of the cliff. "Ava!" Thomas called and rushed to his sister.

"Ava. Are you ok? Ava?" Thomas asked as he reached her and knelt down beside her. "Ava it's Thomas, can you hear me? Ava?" Thomas asked and he noticed some blood by her head. "Blood?" He asked and he touched it. "Ava? Ava, talk to me," He begged but Ava was silently still. Thomas looked up, then he put his hand onto his sister's side and brought out his phone. "I need the coastguard and an air ambulance."
"Ok. What's your name?"
"Alright Thomas. Can you tell me what's happened?"
"It's my sister. She's unconscious and there's blood by her head. I don't know if she's fallen, so I don't want to move her."
"Where would she have fallen from?"
"The top of a cliff."
"Ok, don't move her Thomas. What's your sister's name?"
"And can you give me your location?"
"We're near long sands. Banbury is about 5 miles inland and we're at the bottom of a cliff."
"Ok. I've alerted the coastguard, they should be on the way to you. Is Ava breathing?"
"Yes. I can feel her chest moving up and down."
"Can you take her pulse for me? Does it feel fast or slow?"
"It feels a little slow," Thomas said as pressed his fingers into Ava's neck.
"Ok. Apart from her head wound, does she appear to have any other injuries?"
"Um..." Thomas said before he checked his sister over. "Her leg, her left leg looks odd. I don't want to touch it in case I make it worse, but it might be broken."
"She's got some bruising on her hip as well. I think that she must have fallen."
"Ok, try not to worry. The coastguard are only a few miles from your location and we've got an air ambulance on the way."
"Thank you."
"Is she still unconscious?"
"Ava? Ava it's Thomas, can you hear me?" Thomas asked before he paused. "Ava?"
"Ok. Help's only a few minutes away now Thomas."
"Thank you," Thomas said and anxiety started to kick in. His breathing started to get faster, and the phone operator became worried.
"Thomas, talk to me. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah.... Ava's still the same but..."
"Thomas, I want you to take a deep breath for me ok. I know that this is a hard situation but help's on the way alright?"
"I know, I..." Thomas said before he raised his hand up to his chest. The world faded out and he felt a hand on his back.

"Thomas, my name's Amy, can you look at me?" A gentle voice said and Thomas looked around. "That's it. My name's Amy, I'm with the coastguard."
"It's ok, my colleagues are looking after her. I want you to take some deep breaths for me, can you do that?" Amy asked and Thomas nodded. He took some deep breaths and calmed down. "There we go. How does that feel?"
"Good," Amy said and the ambulance helicopter landed.
"This is Ava Sangster, 25 years old. Internal left femoral fracture and suspected pelvic bruising. We've immobilised her and her vitals are stable. This is her brother, Thomas Sangster, 27 years old and he's been suffering from anxiety and early onset shock," A male member of the coast guard handed over to the paramedics.
"Is she going to be ok?"
"She's in safe hands Thomas."


"Ava. It's Thomas," Thomas said gently as Ava woke up. "You're in hospital, but you're ok."
"Thomas," Ava whispered and Thomas gently stroked her hand as he held it in her own.
"I'm here."
"What... happened?"
"You fell down a cliff. You were hurt and unconscious. I got help."
"I feel dizzy."
"You're waking up from an anaesthetic, take it easy."
"You've had surgery. Just try to relax."
"Mum... mum and dad?"
"They know. They're on their way."
"I'm scared."
"Don't be. I'm here and you're going to be ok. You're going to be ok."
"For your femur. It's broken, but you're doing well."
"What else...?"
"You've hit your head and bruised your pelvis. It's not serious."
"You had me really worried about you."
"Thank you Tom... for looking after me."
"Of course," Thomas said and he kissed his sister's forehead. "Just relax, mum and dad will be here soon."
"I love... you."
"I love you too," Thomas said and Ava fell back asleep.

Thomas helped Ava to get better and once she had fully recovered, he drove her back to her house. With a final hug, he left to star in Pistols.

 With a final hug, he left to star in Pistols

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