🎆 Sarah Jane Adventures

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Sarah Jane Adventures
Rani Asthma Attack
Rani Appendicitis
Rani Electrocuted
Rani Secrets Of The Stars
Telekinetic Energy Almost Kills Luke
Maria Pretends To Pass Out
Luke Shrapnel
Luke Turned To Stone
Luke CPR
Luke Seizure
Maria Hurt

Rani Asthma Attack

Rani Asthma Attack

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"Master Luke."
"Hmn... K... 9?" Luke asked as he woke up.
"Mistress Rani is dying."
"She is having severe trouble breathing."
"Where is she?"
"The hallway," K-9 said and Luke rushed out in his pyjamas.
"Rani!" He called as he saw her and he knelt beside her. "Rani."
"Ah... ah..." Rani gasped. She was struggling to breathe and she was almost unconscious.
"Asthma," Luke said as he remembered her condition and he ran into her bedroom. Searching frantically, he found her inhaler and came back out into the corridor.
"Breathing has almost stopped," K-9 said as he was beside Rani and he was detecting her vital signs. Luke fell to his knees beside her and shook the inhaler.
"Breathe Rani," Luke said as he put one end into her mouth and he pressed down on it as she breathed in. She coughed, but then she relaxed and she continued to gasp.
"Try again master Luke."
"Come on Rani," Luke said and he tried again. After the third try, Rani reached out and grabbed his arm. "Rani. Rani, it's Luke."
"Can't... breathe."
"Do you want me to contact the emergency services Luke?"
"Yes. Get an ambulance."
"Understood," K-9 said and he contacted 999.
"You're going to be alright Rani. You're going to be alright," Luke said and Rani relaxed a little as her breathing became easier.


Rani opened her eyes and she saw Luke fast asleep beside her. He had his head resting on his crossed arms as he was resting against the hospital bed.
"Rani. You're awake," Haresh said and Rani turned to her dad. He took her hand and she smiled.
"You've had an asthma attack. It was at Sarah Jane's house but Luke saved your life. How are you feeling?"
"Ok. Just rest."
"What day... is it?"
"It's only been a few hours since you collapsed. Sarah Jane called us and we came straight over.
"Thanks dad."
"Get some sleep. You need it," Haresh said and Rani closed her eyes.

"How is she?" Rani heard Luke say.
"She's doing well. She woke up."
"Can she breathe?"
"Yes. She asked about you."
"Yes. I told her that you had saved her."
"Is she alright?"
"The doctor said that she's going to be fine. You should go home, get some proper rest."
"I will. Thank you," Luke said and Rani felt him kiss her forehead. "Look after her for me."
"Of course I will."
"I'll... go and phone mum."
"You do that," Haresh said and Rani heard Luke leave.


"Luke. I heard what happened," Clyde said as he met him coming into school the next day. "Is Rani ok?"
"She's doing well. She's awake and she's gone home with her dad."
"Thank goodness. I've been really worried."
"Yeah. I've been texting and calling but I got nothing from either of you."
"Rani hasn't been in a position to answer calls or texts."
"I know. But you could have."
"I've been asleep."
"Alright," Clyde said as stopped Luke. "Is it true that you saved her? Got her inhaler?"
"K-9 helped, and he called for the ambulance."
"But you helped too, right?"
"Of course," Luke said and Clyde hugged him.
"Thank you."
"She's alright," Luke said as he hugged Clyde back.

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