🎥 Dobre Brothers

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Dobre Brothers
Darius Appendicitis
Darius Allergic Reaction

Darius Appendicitis
"Guys. I don't feel good," Darius said as they walked through the door.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know... but my stomach feels weird."
"Is this a prank Dari?"
"No. It's not."
"Why don't you go to bed and see how you feel after taking a nap?"
"No. I think this is going away guys."
"Should we call 911?"
"What? No."
"I'm not in the mood for another prank bro. If you're really sick, go to bed."
"Guys," Darius said as she stopped walking due to pain and grimaced. "I'm being serious."
"I'm not in the mood for this Darius," Cyrus said before he walked away.
"Yeah, don't mess with us bro," Lucas said before he and Marcus walked away too.
"Guys... argh," Darius said before he held onto the wall.

When he looked up and saw his brothers gone, his heart fell in his chest. This wasn't a prank and the pain was getting worse. He suddenly started to feel sick, so he made his way to the bathroom and closed the door.

Some time later, Steve started to wonder where he was.
"Where's Darius guys?"
"I've got no idea."
"Try his bedroom," Lucas suggested and Steve checked it, but he wasn't there. He was walking back when he heard pained breathing behind a door. He opened it and saw Darius leaning against the bathroom cupboard with his eyes closed, hand wrapped around his stomach and grimacing in pain.
"Dari. Are you alright?"
"Argh," Darius said as Steve touched him, so he quickly took his hand away.
"Sorry. Are you in pain?"
"Where abouts?"
"Your stomach?"
"Here?" Steve asked as he pointed on himself and Dari opened his eyes a little to see where he meant.
"Shit. It could be your appendix. Hold on, I'll get the others."
"Guys! Guys!" Steve shouted as he ran back into the lounge.
"What is it Steve?"
"It's Darius. He's sick and in pain."
"Oh, not this again dude. I just want to relax with my girlfriend. Can you stop with the pranks?"
"This is not a prank."
"Come and see for yourself. He needs help," Steve said and the brothers reluctantly got up and followed him to the bathroom.
"Nice job with the make up," Lucas said as he saw how pale Darius's face was.
"Yeah. The sick in the toilet looks really realistic too."
"What sick?" Steve asked before he looked and gasped. There was blood mixed in with the sick and he felt his blood run cold.
"We need to get him to hospital."
"No we don't," Cyrus said before he gently kicked Darius and he grimaced.
"Bad acting man. Come on babe, we're going to bed."
"Yeah, not gonna work bro."
"Guys, what? Hold on," Steve said as they left. "We need to get him to hospital. He's thrown up blood with his sick.
"Yeah. Whatever Steve. Nice try," Cyrus said before he left.
"Ok Dari. I guess that I have to take you. Come on," Steve said as he wrapped Darius's free arm over his shoulder and lifted him up. "Darius? Dari? Shit," Steve said as he realised Darius was basically unconscious.

Half carrying and half walking Darius to the car, he bundled him into the back seat and started driving to the hospital.

When they arrived, a doctor and two nurses helped Steve put Darius onto a stretcher before they took him inside.


"Hello?" Steve asked as he picked up his phone. "Oh great. I'll be there in half an hour. Is he doing ok?"
"Who is it?" Marcus asked as he came into the room.
"They're busy at the moment, but let him know that I'm on my way. Bye," Steve said before he hung up.
"Who were you talking to?" Marcus asked him.
"A doctor. Darius is in hospital."
"What happened?"
"He's had his appendix taken out. Remember last night?"
"You're not still going with that prank are you Steve?"
"It's not a prank."
"Whatever man. I should have got away like Lucas and Cyrus. This is ridiculous."
"I'm being serious Marcus," Steve yelled after him, but Marcus was already gone. "Fuck me man," Steve said as he stood up, got his keys, and went outside. Darius had had surgery. Completely real, not fake surgery. His brother's were determined that this was a prank, but Darius was so tired and sore that he didn't care anymore.

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