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To think You can't die is crazy anybody can die ! To think that I'm angry enough to post all over Instagram but not beat ya bitch up is crazy . My biggest Accomplishment is my children it's the only thing in this world that really matters .They are the reason I wake up everyday.When You got kids it's either find a way or make one .I always just wanted To co parent get the kids Monday -Friday Dad when needed or weekends whichever agreement we come up with as a family ....A family doesn't romantically have to be together it's about the kids .It's about making kids happy seeing kids smile ....I remember being pregnant and my baby father helping me put up my portable closet and he looked at me and said "You gonna talk about me to her aren't you " and I was so confused Even till this day I would never I have no control over my daughter hating that man it's based on him not giving a fuck about her truly posting her online isn't truly giving a fuck about her fighting at her party isn't caring about her sending her mom to jail Caring about her isn't putting every bitch u deal with in front of her .The only thing about parenting that's easy is raising a child not financially but mentally it's simple a simple job that people make hard .I will lay yours for mines

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