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Tears ....Not a day goes by that I don't cry not a say goes by that im not so disappointed in my self I am my own worse enemy . When i was younger my mom always said she would never take me to a gun range because I mentally wasn't there and shes right If i knew how to shoot so may bullets would meet souls .....If I knew how to shoot I would Kill I would risk it all just to see mothers cry I would risk it all just to see a mother fucker hurt like how i hurt to see a family scramble like mines have scrambled.....Tears lmao Fuck ya tears nigga stand 10 toes down! My pain goes deeper then instagram post & TikTok's my pain ends in hell my mind deciphers everyday am i going to heaven or am i going to hell?Tbh I don't give a fuck where i go because in the end dead or alive ima win in the end ."Dead man walking " Yeah I got a few of them lmao .Tears , I wipe them bitches and keep it pushing tears is a sign of weakness tears is a sign of pain be stronger be wiser pay attention is what i tell myself everyday My tears stop me from having a whole community in tears because my tears mean their are no actions being taken.

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