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Trust ...My trust been fucked up Trust brought me nothing but pain .I trusted and got raped . I trusted and got my ass beat over and over by a man who told me he loved me He cried after he beat my ass like i best his crying means he loved me right?Saying sorry means he made a mistake right?Was it a mistake when i woke up ina dark with fluids  running down my legs?Was it love then?By a stranger but somebody who i trusted ! a fuckin stranger who I was left with somebody who ruined my life from the ages of 15- present time . My trust BEEN fucked up trust brought me nothing but pain....I trusted and got left in the hospital.I trusted and did a whole pregnancy alone .I trusted and got walked like a dog . I trusted and got stalked by a bitch who didn't know me at all but knew what a nigga told her. I trusted and became a single mother . I was told a relationship wouldn't work between me and my baby father because he didn't wanna hurt me but all he did was hurt me since them 2 lines popped up ...I just wanted a friend I just wanted that same ear I had when niggas was beating me senseless . A relationship?Was the last thing on my mind. Trust is laying next to a nigga and waking up and he on top of u try bust a nut while you're tryna sleep tryna push his little ass dick in u when u already said no Trust?Trust owes me nothing Trust gets you hurt ....Trust is hearing your father tell the world how your just a whore Your dad .....daddys little girl right?he did everything for me as a child right?My Trust Was broken when I was told I was gullible its my fault niggas posted me naked its my fault its hard for mfers not to hurt me ....Trust is laying in that cell begging god not to end your life .....begging god not to give u a sheet long enough to kill yourself . Begging god to see your kids again I just had a baby god Im sorry god .....I can't take it god show me the way .

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