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I often feel I have been betrayed by many ....the ones who i feel were suppose to be apart of my team who I found out are actually on the opposing team .I have been hurt by so many people who i tried to Love ... L O V E Its a term i barely use now lmao Love-an intense feeling of deep affection . Soon as you show a mother fucker you love them they take advantage of you they betray you they say fuck you so keep that love shit over there! Love is using what I didn't wanna use but had to use and risking my life to feed my son . Love is feeling like death but staying a float because your in charge of somebodies childhood . Love is crying in that hospital room using every breath in your body to get to your crying baby because you just had a c- section and your alone ....Love is sleeping in your cold care with your 2 toddler's because people don't want you around. The only ones I love is the ones who know my heart from within . My biggest Accomplishment is my kids need for nothing My kids want for nothing . The only struggle I'm in is mental because I would rather die then see my kids be impacted by bitch ass niggas

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