Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog

Start from the beginning

Suzaku looked at her and spoke, "Fine, I will cool myself...." Sae smiled in response, as Suzaku continued to witness her, she could see Artemis touching her stomach as she could see the Girls having a conversation using her listening device she got from Azazel, upon closer hearing she widened her eyes, soon a grin got onto her expression. 

The conversation was also heard by the rest of the group as Shigune spoke with dread, ", don't tell me you are going to?"

"This is a perfect opportunity, I will send this information to the Factions, with Artemis being pregnant we can use this opportunity to take down Hyoudou..." Suzaku spoke with a smirk, seeing this as an opportunity to finally exploit Issei's only weakness and take him down. Suzaku sent a text message to Azazel about the information she had gotten. 

"Think about this, we can't hurt an innocent child, let alone a pregnant mother..." Sae spoke with horror, this was madness, this was something they did not want to do. 

"We won't Sae, even I won't go this far..." Suzaku spoke shaking her head, her intention was to use them as hostage, not harm them in any way, as she spoke, "But think about it, if the Factions are able to get a hold of Artemis. Then we can win this war..."

"I don't know...this will end up badly..." Shigune spoke having a bad feeling about this, as she knew that if Issei finds out that they are planning to go after his unborn child, there will be no mercy. 

"You are right, Shigune..." The Four girls turned around to see Issei and Persephone looking at them, fury was present in their eyes, the others were preparing a barrier to prevent any Supernatural Force from entering Kuoh in any way, no matter if they are as strong as Sirzechs. If a being above that does enter then they will come to know. 

The girls had a look of horror and fear in their eyes, Issei and Persephone were beyond pissed that they had the audacity to not only spy on them, but also threaten Artemis's child. This was beyond forgivable. 

"To think you all will go so far as to harm my unborn child, just to get back at me. To find a weakness inside of me, you will go after an innocent soul. You all are nothing but living disgraces that need to be wiped out from this world.." Issei's words angered the four girls as Issei continued, "This is exactly why I wants to wipe you Factions out. You will even go so far as to harm a unborn child or even a pregnant mother. You Factions disgust me in every way, you have no shame or guilt for what you have done, when you demanded me for help. You tried everything in your power to enslave and control me, just because I had the power necessary, even after exposing Dai, many of you did not respect me in any way or even care for me. Some of you invaded my privacy with my girls, and the girls that loved Dai tried to force me to be with them! You don't deserve mercy or compassion in any way, you deserve death. Only a select few deserve mercy, but none of the Factions, especially the Greek, and the Biblical Factions deserve mercy."

"Issei is right, I don't know if Shiva knows of this, or any of the other Hindu Gods, but I am pretty sure the others are involved, since Shiva and Indra or any of the Hindu Gods did not come to Underworld earlier in the morning..." Persephone spoke as the ground started to shake, she then spoke coldly, "But if you dare lay a finger on my future grandchild, there will be no mercy..."

Persephone's words made the girls shudder, they knew they couldn't even escape knowing what is going to come next. They have no choice but to fight. 

Opening Start 

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

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