Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei head to Latia's room, where it is found out that she was completely devastated on what happened, after gaining the trust of Seekvaira. He goes inside, there he comes to know some more things about Latia, and on how unprepared they were when the engagement was announced, she also revealed that she only wants to go to the Underworld one final time to pay respects to Ajuka, after which she never wants to go there ever again. He has a moment with her before  heading outside, where he is greeted by Seekvaira after gaining her trust as well. They go to sleep. The next day, they head to the funeral where Sirzechs angrily demands them to leave, but Seekvaira counters his statement, causing the grief-stricken Satan to leave, a messenger leaves a message for Issei. Issei and the others head back, with Issei going back to Base, where he tells Elizabeth everything and alters some of her Dark Light, to prevent this from happening. As he teleports back, Issei is then taken by Nyx, who reveals the cake for his birthday, however Nyx was too later, however Issei did not care and he was happy that she brought the cake for him. He had the cake and they both had a moment together. Issei, then headed to Athena's room, and asked whether she was free, they have a conversation on what they thought of each other, Issei thought of her being different from Zeus, which made the girl happy, she was happy that Issei did not look down or hate her anymore. Meanwhile, Malak has finished training La Folia, as he walks away letting her rest for the rest of the day, as he does, he encounters Artemis who wondered whether Issei would even care for her or love her one day, as Malak asks this question, he eventually presses on revealing her jealousy, as he then suggests for her to confess to Issei before it is too late, as Artemis wonders when she can confess to Issei. Malak then remembers about Issei asking him for a new general, as he then has a idea that Issei would surely like, the Fall of the Factions would be slow and steadily. Issei and Athena then head for their time out in Canada, as the two come to know more about the truth, Issei also comes to know that everything she did was to please others, while Athena begs him not to leave her, which makes Issei angry, not at Athena, but at Zeus for doing this to her. She sleeps on his lap for a while, before they have some fun together, Athena then asks to sing, to which Issei accepted he enjoyed her singing, as Issei also sang. They had a good time, before they had to go back due to the people getting up for the next day to perform their work. 

Few Days Later, 

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 AM

A blonde girl was running away, she had amethyst eyes, and were completely pure. She is a wonderful beauty whose eyes were pure, and her hair shined like gold. Her running was dropping objects, she was desperate in trying to escape. 

She was running without looking back, looking for a way out of the room, she couldn't believe what happened, as she were trying to escape, a few hours ago Seraph Gabriel has set her up, she was being chased by Two BX-Series Commando Droids. She remembered Gabriel speaking to a certain Malak that she was going to cause the Fall of Heaven. When she was detected, Gabriel cheekily replied that she is one of them now. She was Mirana Sharatova.

"I can't believe that Lady Gabriel lied to us like this..." Mirana spoke in sadness and rancor, she realised that the woman that she admired and looked up to, she is an enemy, "Now I must get out of here, before anyone else comes to know.."

Mirana tried to escape from the place, as she looked for a way, but was unable to find any way out. She heard some clanging forcing her to hide behind the couch in the living room. 

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