Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Issei opened his eyes, he soon woke up to see the naked Artemis and a naked Elizabeth both cuddling to him, they had their arms wrapped around them, Issei brings the girls together knowing the pleasurable knight the couple had, an unforgettable pleasurable night that had happened between them. 

"I love you two...more than anyone else along with the rest of my mates....." Issei kissed Artemis and Elizabeth on their foreheads earning a smile from the both of them. Soon enough Artemis started to open her eyes, she rubbed it and gave a small smile to her Ise, and spoke, "Morning...Honey~"

"Morning to you too, Arty...although never thought you would call me honey.." Artemis had a blush as she spoke, "Well, I did perform the deed with you after, but if you want, I can call you.." Issei cuts her off with a kiss to her lips and responds, "I don't mind when in private, okay?" 

Artemis gave a blushing smile in response, as she snuggled next to Issei's chest, she may no longer be called the Goddess of Virginity, or the Virgin Goddess, but she did not mind. As long as she remained by the side of her Ise, none of that mattered. She could care less what Zeus or the other Olympians besides Hestia and Athena thought of her, they were not there when she was needed the most, but Issei and Athena were, Hestia came a little later, but she came regardless. 

"Hey, Ise?" Artemis looked at Issei with a smile, as Issei looked at her and responded, "Say, what child do you think I should give birth to? Like, what is your call?"

"I...I am not so sure....I don't have a preference in my o-opinion..." Artemis turned her gaze elsewhere, she remembered some of her memories, she knew she had hurt many thanks to her past trauma. In her eyes, she was far from redeemed, she needed to redeem herself properly. She made mistakes in her past and it was about time to current it. 

"Artemis? Is everything alright?" Issei asked with concern, to which Artemis spoke in response

"Ise....if I were to tell you that I want a boy, would you be mad at me?" Issei shook his head and spoke with a smile in response, "No...why would I be mad at you? A little male version of you would be nice as well, although, I would like if our child if it is a girl, a little version of you would be nice..." 

"On second thought, a boy would be nice for our first child, and I would be prefer a younger version of you, I would love to raise a boy of my own, a child of my own..." Artemis spoke with a cheeky grin, as she continued with a sad tone, "Plus, raising him with love would act as a way of atoning for my sins, Ise...." Issei's smile starts to fade a little, she feels guilty for her past, no, she is haunted and shackled by her past. He did not know what to say, but he understood what she was thinking. 

"I have ruined lives, Ise...sometimes, I wonder if I can even atone for what I did, yes, some, if not many have peeped and breached my privacy and in one case, raped me...Regardless, I did things I shouldn't have...maybe, this way, I can make things better...not only for myself, but also for my future children, I was blinded by hatred, and I no longer want to have any shred of hatred towards my opposite race.." Issei saw her crying, it haunted her on what she did in her past, there was only one thing he could do, he rubbed her tears with his hands as he spoke. 

Sekiruuyetei: Book of Conceptual Records!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora