Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Hestia talk with Artemis and Hermes about Athena's situation. She understood that they had to visit Issei, and even Artemis agreed that she needed Athena to be away from that man, she had to play along with them. Hestia then plans on how they could reach Issei without any problems. As this was going on, Sona and Ingvild have a conversation with the former being in disbelief of the latter's choice of joining Issei. It was made clear that she had no intention of listening anymore. Sona tries to convince him, but Ingvild sees through her and chokes her to death, before slamming her, causing the others to come in due to the commotion. Issei then forces her out of the house, leaving everyone confused and dumbfounded, including Issei about what just happened. Once upstairs, Quinella joins Issei and Nyx, on his work with the gears, as Issei asks her about Charlotte, which causes the girls to be jealous, he then reveals that he cares for all of them, and also states on the relationship Dai Hyoudou had with his harem, as he also states that they were insecure, as they often used to fight for his attention, they then continue to watch him doing his work. Team Slashdog have a party, where the truth is revealed causing them to fall into more despair, the incidents that have happened in the factions, as they realise that they are losing more and more of their time. Rias also reveals Ingvild planning to leave the team, worsening things. Soon after Issei and his group arrive, where Rias makes the foolish decision of threatening and taunting Nyx, causing Issei to give them a stern warning that he will not hesitate to deal with her if she does this again, and even her brother cannot stop him, as he leaves with the group, but not before making her silent. After that the group has a conversation with Ingvild, who was interested in joining them, he warns her that if she betrays him, she dies, to which Ingvild agreed without hesitation. Two days later, Hestia and Artemis visit the place, as they were greeted by Issei, after Hestia begs Issei, he lets her visit her fellow goddess, she then greets Athena, where she comes to know that Athena is safe and alright, and Hestia was happy for them, she then teleports away. After a while, Issei and the rest of the group plan their attack on the Pendragon Residence.

Pendragon Residence, 4:00 PM

The sound of several screams, laments and pleas were heard throughout the mansion, this place was none other than the Pendragon Residence, in England, where Grievous watched with a cold gaze, as his droid army massacred anyone that stood in his way, showing no mercy to anyone that got in his way.

"General! I have some bad news!" One of the OOM-Droid Commanders, approached Grievous, as he asked

"What!?" The Commander responded, "The servant has escaped and is being escorted to a safe location!" Grievous growled in response, as he spoke in a furious tone.

"I will deal with them, myself!" Grievous removed his cloak as he jumped into the battlefield, before he could go to deal with them, Issei approached him and spoke

"You will be wasting your time.." Issei spoke in a neutral tone, as Grievous looked at him surprised as he asked

"Then what should we do?" Issei responded to Grievous's question as he spoke, "You see castles like these have hidden entrances, thankfully I managed to foresee every single location of them, with relative ease..." Issei showed the several pathways, and their exits.

Understanding this, Grievous sends the locations to his Droid Commanders and commands.

"All units head towards the different locations, blockade them, and capture the target alive!"

Sekiruuyetei: Book of Conceptual Records!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora