She smoothens out her apron.


“We're worried about you, Miss Lee” Jamie cut in. “We know what happened, and... and it's okay to not be okay. You jumped right into work and you're tossing out perfectly good cupcakes. And so we're concerned. Maybe... maybe you should take the rest of the—”

“Jamie” Silas nudges her but earns a sharp glare.

“You should take the rest of the week off and let us handle it here” she finishes.

I pull my lower lip in and stare at her, long and silent, till she begins to squirm.

“Are... are you going to fire her, Miss Lee?” Lyra asks in a small voice.

I clear my throat.

“No. And you don't have to be concerned about me because I'm perfectly fine... unlike the cupcakes I just tossed out” I reply. “Now I don't pay you to stand around and worry about others. So if you'd please, get back to work.”

I don't wait for a reply from either of them and step out of the kitchen, almost bumping into Tracy.


“What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?”

“Half day, Jones' kid swallowed a Lego piece.”

I winch.

“Can we talk?” she asks.

“Sure. What about?” I ask, sidestepping her to move into my office.

“What you've been avoiding for days?”

I pause and turn to her.

“I'm not talking about that with you, Tray.”

“Why not? It's been the elephant in every room you're in for days. And the tabloids aren't doing a good job keeping it under wraps.”

I shrug.

“I don't suppose the Daltons want it under wraps. They've gotten rid of the pauper engaged to their precious prince charming. I'm surprised they're not throwing a party to celebrate it.”

“Lee,” she says firmly.

“What?” I ask, “And why are you so concerned? You should be thrilled. You didn't want this in the first place.”

“I didn't want Reid's family to treat you like trash, not have you call off the engagement” she sighed. “Lee, I would never be against your happiness.”

“Thank you, Tracy. But I'm fine. Definitely not unhappy” I smile at her.


“Would you like a milkshake? I'll have Silas get you one” I cut her off and step away from her. “Si, please get Tray a Nutella Shake. Thank you.”

The door tingles behind me.

“Tracy? Would you like anything else? Maybe a pretzel or a—” I trail off when I turn to her direction and my eyes fall on the olive-skinned, perfectly contoured cheekboned elegant figure, that steps into the bakery.

You have got to be kidding me.

Her eyes dart around the room and a smile grows on her face. I fold my arms, as she sets her purse on a table nearby, not doing anything to stop the frown growing on my face. When she's done looking around, she meets my eyes.

“Hi, Lee—”

“I'm going to have to stop you right there, lady” Tracy cut in.

Asha's eyes flick to her.

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