Chapter one

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                                        [Atlases pov]

                              [Setting: The academy] 

                  [Time line: Episode one, season one]

[Characters: Lance, Atlas,Pidge,Hunk,Shiro,Galra,Keith]

I remember sitting in my dorm at the academy when I saw a few of my peers sneak out, so I left my dorm to see what was going on. I snuck past many people without getting caught. After a little while I finally reached the roof where I saw three of my peers. Earlier that day they had failed in the simulator, that's pretty much all I really knew about them. As soon as I saw them I ducked down so they wouldn't see me. I heard their conversation. It was about one of them hearing aliens say something like 'Voltron' I wanna say, though I'm not sure. A few minutes later I saw them run to a place where something that looked like some form of ship. I wait for about two minutes before hesitantly following them, but staying out of sight.

I finally get to the same place as them, but I'm too late they had taken off with a famous person, my idol, Shiro. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "No way!" I say loudly but hide before one of them could see me. It was a close call. I saw one of them look back to see who was there, but they didn't see me, thankfully. 

I stood there stunned thinking there had to be some type of mistake. How could Shiro still be alive? He died ages ago. A few minutes after another ship came and landed in a similar spot as the other ship. I quickly hid from whatever it was. A tall alien like person came out and started searching the area. I almost shrieked put of fear, but I cover my mouth to insure that I won't make a sound. I had never seen an alien before. It was all new and shocking for me. I was terrified that I was going to be found. They could abduct me or kill me for seeing them. I peaked around a corner of the rock I was behind trying to see where the alien was. I saw it. It was far away, so I was safe for now at least. It appeared to be searching for something. "I can't find him!" I hear the alien yell. "Oh no he might find the Blue Lion before us! Hurry get back inside! We need to get going!" Another yells from inside the ship. "We must alert Zarkon!" The one from the outside shouts to the other before getting into the ship and taking off.

I was still horrified about what I just witnessed. I stared at the ship as it took off. "Oh god what was that thing?" I mutter to myself in shock. I stand there and wonder what they were talking about. As I stand and wonder I impulsively decide to follow it. I begin running after it to see where it was going. Its close enough to see so I just follow it until I see my peers again. They're in a desert shack. I hide beside the shack and peek in through the window to see what was going on inside of there. I see all three of my peers, Shiro, and Keith. I became absolutely shocked that they were with two of the coolest people ever. Keith used to go to the academy but got kicked out due disciplinary issues. I never met Keith in person but I know that he was the best flier at the academy. I envied him for the longest time.

I watched them silently. I could only hear them slightly. From what I heard they were talking about the blue lion thing. I heard Keith say that he was drawn to this place for some reason. I began to wonder why he was drawn to an old shack in the middle of nowhere. Soon after I heard them begin talking to Shiro about his memory, but I didn't hear much of what they said. I continued watching and listening trying to figure out what they were talking about. They began talking about Voltron again. I felt like I heard the Voltron somewhere, but I don't recall where, so I continued listening trying to see if they would say something that would trigger a memory for me.

As I watched and listened one of the three of my peers goes up and touches the Blue Lion carvings. With just his slight touch on the ancient carving the floor collapsed and they all fell down into a hole. I watched in shock and horror. "Oh my god! I just watched them possibly get murdered!" I yell to myself knowing no one would hear me. I began thinking about telling someone but who? I was out in the middle of nowhere, I don't know my way back, and the only people I've seen out here are the ones who are in the hole. I tried peeking to see if I could see them to make sure they aren't dead, but alas I can't see anything besides water in there. I debated on going down the hole to make sure they aren't dead, but what if I die in that process or get stuck down there. It was too risky for me, so I just tried to yell and make sure they weren't dead. They were either dead or just couldn't hear me because they weren't responding to my yells. I began to worry about them.

A little while later I hear a loud roar from the hole, and then I see a giant blue lion machine start flying. I jump back in shock not even trying to hide myself at that point. I freeze for a moment and then I record and take a few pictures of it to make sure I'm not going crazy. I decided to start chasing it as it flew. I followed for as long as I could but after about  thirty minutes it was gone. I could no longer see it so I couldn't chase it anymore.

I sat down to catch my breath and started to look at the images. It looked like something I used to draw when I was little. I tried to find as much information on it as I could but nothing would show when I searched it up. "God damn it!" I mumble to myself in defeat. I started to stand back up and try finding my way back to the academy. It was getting really late. When I checked the time it was already 11:48. I sighed and began to try and find a place to sleep for the night. I finally approached an empty cave and decided that I would sleep there for the night. It was cold and dark in the cave. Every now and then I would see a bug or two but that was really it. I found a semi comfortable place to sleep in the cave so I rested there.

I awoke at around 4:23 a.m. and decided to leave the cave and try making my way back to the academy. It was hard to even try making it back. I spent hours just trying to figure where I was at that moment. I didn't fond the academy but I did find a part to one of the aliens ships. I picked it up. It was large and circular, at the time I didn't know that it was an alien ship part I had this gut feeling it was so I put it into my side bag and continued my journey.

I began to realize I probably won't make it back to the academy any time soon or ever for that matter.. I wandered around still trying to find the academy when I saw that same alien space ship. I quickly hid as I watch them try and drag a large lion machine out just like the blue one from earlier. I stared at the purple lion in awe. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Apparently I wasn't well hidden enough because after a few minutes of staring something metal hit the back of my head causing me to pass out.

Once I woke up I was inside of that ship. "Its awake" An alien said while looming over me from a distance.         "W-Where am i?" I asked while looking around. "Come with me human" An alien said while taking me to the ships cargo. The alien guiding me turned around and told me "We need to see if you could be our paladin". I looked at them confused " A paladin like those space defenders from those old stories?" I asked. "I suppose" They shrugged as they answered. They escorted me into the lion and the lion shuts itself. As soon as I walked in I felt like it was speaking to me in a way I could vaguely understand. I sat in the pilots seat and pressed a button or two and it began standing up and with a few seconds delay it roared. I listened and watched in awe. I had just became its paladin. The exit from the cargo opens and I back the lion out so I can test her out. The alien left and began speaking with another alien but I couldn't hear a word of what they were saying. One of them signaled me to exit and test her out so I did. I pressed a button and it began flying. I tried to control it but it immediately went into autopilot. As I began to fly the aliens ship followed behind me and eventually got in front of me guiding me to where their location was. As I flew I saw the blue lion and the aliens began firing at it. My lion was still in autopilot as I watched in horror. They began fighting back against the aliens. Soon it became a battle. The aliens were trying to take that lion and I immediately realized which side I was apart of now.. The villans.

Once the battle was over I followed the aliens to their location and they returned empty handed, well besides the purple lion, that they got.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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