Chapter One

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Chapter One.

Logan Mitchell was never someone to look up to. Well, sure he had the highest grades in the senior class…or the whole school system, for that matter. But there were things that even the closest people to him didn't know about. But that didn't seem to be a problem for any of the jocks or bullies of any school that Logan went to. Somehow, someway, Logan Mitchell's deepest secrets always ended up being revealed. And in order to keep his parents from finding out, he always managed to beg them into moving to a new school, or transfer to a new school that was in the district.

And this school wasn't any different. The difference with this school, however, was the fact that it was a lot bigger than the other schools that he had went to; which meant that there were a lot more people that knew his secret, and a lot more ways for his parents to find out his secrets.

His biggest secret, the one that would most definitely make his parents hate him, was the fact that he was gay. It was no secret to Logan that his parents were homophobic, and made comments on any type of homophobic acts that they saw; which only made Logan that much more scared to tell them the truth.

So, each time his schools somehow managed to find out, Logan ran home and begged his parents to move to a new school so he could start anew and not worry about his parents finding out about it.

But like the difference in school size, his parents' decision was different also. The hours upon hours of begging that Logan did, did no justice on the answers that he had received. Each and every time that he asked, it was always: No, we've spent enough time moving you from school to school and not enough on your grades. And of course his parents were more concerned about his grades rather than his high school social life.

Monday morning, the day after winter break, Logan found himself walking through the front doors of the high school, head down and hands shoved in his pockets. The bell had already rung, Logan purposefully decided that he wanted to wait outside of the high school before walking in the halls, that way he could avoid any confrontation from the bullies as long as possible.

He had been paying attention on not stepping on any cracks in the linoleum on the floor to notice where he was going and as soon as he got twenty squares into the school, he ran into someone, causing both of them to crash on the floor and whatever the other person was holding to spread out across the hallway.

Upon looking up to see just who he had run into, Logan noticed the tight jeans that was clinging to the guys legs, the flannel shirt that was worn over and white tee shirt and then his gaze landed on the guys face. The guy was wearing a beanie that unsuccessfully hid the bed head that the person no doubt had and it was halfway falling off the guys head.

If Logan was being completely honest, the guy was definitely the most gorgeous person that he had ever seen. And that was pretty hard to say, since he goes to school with James Diamond – The Face. The Face was a name that everyone developed for him since he lost all the weight that he did during middle school and turned into the irresistible male that he was now.

"Oh, gosh!" Logan exclaimed, pushing himself up of the ground and onto his knees to start picking up the guys stuff. "I am so sorry! I should be paying attention to where I'm going!"

The sound of the guy chuckling brought Logan's face to snap back towards the guy's face, where dimples were adorned on the guy's face as he smiled. Logan felt his face heat up, no doubt from the mixture of being laughed at and the fact that he was in the presence of this guy.

"Don't worry about it" The guy waved it off as he quickly grabbed his stuff from Logan's now outstretched hand and started to stand up.

"I, uh, I-" Logan stopped himself from continuing as his eyes looked into emerald eyes. He froze for a second before he remembered what he had been hurrying for and looked down to notice the time on his watch. "B-bye!"

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