Chapter 24- Runaways

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"Moody much?" Ruby grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"I wonder where the Pixies are." Stella said, after a while of walking. "I sure hope they're not in trouble."

"Knowing Kay, they probably are." Ruby said.

"I don't think we'll have to worry for long." Robin said, pointing to some flying glitter in the distance.

"Hey, Lockette." Bloom said, recognizing the Pixie, but she didn't turn back and kept flying away.

"Let's go after her." Layla said, and the eight started running after the Pixie.

They eventually caught up with her and saw all of the Pixies all huddled up together next to a small labyrinth made out of leaves.

"There you are, we were worried about you." Bloom scolded.

"We must get back to Pixie Village." Chatta said in a kind of robotic way that didn't sound much like her.

"Are you mad? You know that Lord Darkaar will follow you." Bloom told them crouching down to their low level on the floor. "And you know that he must never ever find out where the village is."

"Bloom, wait." Layla said, looking down at the Pixies. "Why do you want to go home so much?"

"Because... Just because." Digit said.

"Because is not logical Digit. This isn't like you at all." Tecna said.

"Amore, stop this nonesense immediately and come over here." Stella scolded, placing her hands on her hips like an angry mother.

"No, we're homesick, we want to go." Amore said, doing adorable puppy eyes.

"Aww." Robin said, almost falling for her trick.

"Pixies, scatter." Chatta ordered and they all flew away in different directions.

"They're making a run for it." Flora said, looking up at the runaway Pixies.

"We can't let them get away." Stella said.

"Transfom. Magic Winx." Bloom said, transforming into her Fairy outfit along with the other Fairies.

"Robin, come chase Kaylus with me." Ruby said, flying in the direction her Pixie had.

"Alright." Robin said, going after her.

The two flew above the trees, looking down to try to find the cherry haired Pixie. They soon saw some colourful glitter flying below them which Ruby recognized as Kaylus's trail. They dove as fast as they could, trying to catch the tricky Pixie, but she had noticed them fly towards her and once Robin was about to grab her, red smoke came out of a ball Kay was holding, causing them to not see anything.

"She has smoke bombs?" Robin said, coughing violently. "Are you fucking kidding me."

"Come on... let's get her." Ruby said, coughing.

The two flew upwards, getting away from the bothersome red smoke and saw more colourful glitter flying not very far ahead. Ruby narrowed her eyes and with one snap of her fingers Kaylus disappeared from her previous spot and reappeared in her Fairy's arms. She tried to fight, but Ruby had a strong grip on her and she eventually stopped fighting.

"Alright you litter trickster, that's enough." The redhead said, flying away towards her friends.

They found them next to the school's gate surrounding a small box on the floor where the Pixies were being held. Ruby knelt down and quickly put Kaylus inside the small prision.

"Let us go." Chatta screamed angrily.

"Quiet you Pixies." Stella ordered. "Now, is everyone here?"

"No, where's Piff?" Musa asked, landing next to them.

House of Memories (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon