Chapter 25: Dark

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She turned corner after corner, no exit in sight as she received hit after hit from all of those dark copies of her friends. At one point, a blast of magic hit her right on her spine, causing her to fall and become paralyzed for a few moments. She watched as the copies surrounded her, each looking down at her with those horrible dead eyes. She begged her body to move, to respond, to do anything, but she was completely out of strength. Tears formed in her eyes as her last thoughts were of her friends, of Ike, and as awaited her fate.

Until she saw a pair of red eyes unlike the rest.

Her eyes went wide as all the dark copies suddenly fell to the ground, and only one remained. They wore the same clothes Zelda did, Sheikah armor, and those red eyes that initially led her to believe they were just another copy now gave her a sense of panic and--to a degree she would never admit to-- relief.

"Sheik?" She said quietly, finally finding strength in her muscles as she slowly sat up.

He crouched down and offered his hand to her, his face tinted with worry. "C'mon, we've gotta get out of here."

She furrowed her brows, a burning feeling settling in her chest. "What..." she said through gritted teeth, "what are you doing here? How did you escape?"

Sheik grimaced, his eyes darting back and forth between Zelda and the blobs of darkness that began to form around them. "Listen, I'll explain everything later, for now we just need to escape-"

"And you expect me to trust you?!" Zelda shouted, making Sheik flinch. "You played a part in having me kidnapped, how am I supposed to know whether this 'escape' bullshit you're pulling now isn't just another scheme?! Fuck no I'm not leaving with you! Until you explain how you got here and why, I won't go anywhere with you!"

The hurt yet understanding in Sheik's eyes nearly made Zelda take all of that back; she wished desperately to trust him, to believe in him. And a part of her did. But after all the hurt he had caused her, she wouldn't give him her trust so easily again.

Sheik sighed, "It's a long story-"

"Then you better tell it quickly," Zelda snapped back.

"Fine, but can we at least go somewhere where we'll be out of imminent danger?" Sheik said, pointing at the forming copies behind him.

She still wasn't sure about this, or about anything really, but regardless she nodded, acknowledging the fact that if they didn't get out of this room they'd both end up dead. She didn't take the hand offered to her, instead standing up on her own. Sheik frowned, but stood up, nodding his head and signaling her to follow him. They ran down the hallway, turning a few corners here and there, until they reached a set of metal doors. Sheik opened one of them, cringing at how loud it squeaked, before going in, Zelda following at a generous distance. Once they were both inside, Sheik closed the door behind them, and finally they could breathe a sigh of relief as there were no signs of blobs in the room. Well, Sheik could at least, Zelda was still tense.

"Now, go ahead and try to explain yourself. How did you get out?" Zelda said sternly, crossing her arms as she wearily approached Sheik.

The ex-prince pressed his lips together, feeling uncomfortable with meeting her cold glare. But he did it anyway, he had to. "Well, after explaining everything that I'm about to explain to you, I suppose Robin deemed me trustworthy enough and let me come to rescue you and your friends. As for when you interrogated me, I... I didn't lie, for lack of a better word. Yes: I did some spying for Cia after she contacted me, but... I might have, um, exaggerated some details. I did dirty work, but I did it reluctantly. I believed I had to."

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