Chapter 5: Alive

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After another battle, it was break time for the competitors. Food and drinks were handed out to the audience members who weren't students, but everyone else got the chance to leave their seats and go to the dining hall to get something to eat or to simply relax for the next half hour or so.

"Man, I'm starving," said Pit, who had just competed in his own 1v 1 match (and lost).

"After that fight, you must be," said Ike, the winner of said 1 v 1.

"I can't believe they matched me up with you! Have they seen the height difference between us?! You're practically like a giant and I'm just a teeny little bug in your way!" Pit groaned.

"Um, thank you? Or I'm sorry?? But hey, you did your best and that's all that matters, I had fun fighting with you."


"Yep." The little angel gained a little more confidence in himself after that, straightening his back as he walked. Ike chuckled, while Link and Zelda watched on from behind them. Well, more like Link did, Zelda had her thinking cap on and wasn't paying much attention to anything. He didn't know what was up with her lately, she was talking less and thinking more, and she always looked... just... off. She wasn't being her usual, cheery, full-range-of-emotions self, she always had a bit of a frown, she looked exhausted, and if you looked hard enough, you could tell she was on the verge of a breakdown. He almost hated to admit it, but he was getting worried. He wanted to ask her what was wrong but Hylia knows Zelda's the most secretive person when it comes to talking about things that bother her. Or her feelings in general. "It's not a big deal," "it's just something small, don't worry" is what she would always say and nothing more. The only one who seemed to get anything out of her was Ike, and even then it took at least five business days of him trying to convince her to talk about her feelings.

"I," she finally said, drawing everyone's attention. "I'm gonna go to the library for a bit."

"What? Why? Fighters are excused from lectures today," Link asked.

"There's something I wanna look up. I'll be quick, I promise!" She didn't wait for another response before she darted in the opposite direction. The rest were left looking after her silhouette.

"Is she okay? She seems a little... panicky," Pit wondered.

"No, she isn't okay, and I've no idea why," Link sighed. "Ike, do you have any clues?"

"I've been trying to talk to her but you know how she is," Ike said. "I think that, maybe, that dream she had is still bothering her."

"But she had it over a week ago! She's still thinking about it?!"

"It must've impacted her pretty badly, especially since she has, you know, the power of foresight and such."

"Why did you have to bring that up back then?"

"I said sorry!"

"What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing. Let's just go find the others."


She absolutely lied, there was no way she'd be back quickly. Samus had told her earlier that she had supposedly found some things about the "glowing ball," and thoughts about what it could possibly be have been clouding her mind since morning. She had a feeling that whatever it was wasn't anything good, her dream certainly didn't make it seem that way at least. She texted Robin to meet her at the library, certain that his brain could be useful in decoding whatever ancient writings Samus found, and she alerted Marth and Shulk as well since both were too deep into this to back out. She wasn't certain about telling the rest about it, after all this could all be nothing and she was just being overdramatic about this whole thing, or this could be extremely dangerous and by telling anyone else she could be putting them in even more danger. Ugh.

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