Chapter 11: Happy Birthday

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The rest of the week came and went. They left the resort after about three days of staying there, then they went to some park named after babies for whatever reason, and stayed the rest of their nights in Peach's very own castle. It was an eventful and fun week, and everyone got the rest that they deserved.

Zelda even managed to finish all of her work on a day they decided to take off. Just like Ike suggested, she had been telling Impa that she was just being "precise" with it, and, somehow, it worked. She handed it all in on the night before the day they went back, and she didn't get stressed even a single time! She sighed happily as she closed her laptop and flopped back onto her mat, turning to face him. "I'm done!"

Ike smiled and high fived her, laying down next to her. "Well done, and now you know what to do when you don't wanna do work."

"Yeah, I'd rather not get into the habit of procrastinating, so I don't think I'll ever do this again," Zelda chuckled.

"Fair enough," Ike nodded. He moved slightly closer to her. "So, you nervous about our flight tomorrow?"

"I'm always nervous before flights," Zelda said. "But... I might be a little less nervous if you sit next to me."

"Consider it done," Ike grinned.

"Can you two shut up now? It's 12 AM and I'd like to get some sleep," Link, who was right next to Ike, groaned.

"Sorry!" The pair said, then laughed quietly with each other. They put their blankets over themselves, and soon enough, they were asleep.


Their flight was supposed to leave at 3 PM, then they'd get back home at five and have the rest of the day to just relax and digest how fun the trip was. But then it got delayed to four. Alright, not too bad considering other flights they saw got delayed by days . Then it got delayed again, and again, and again, and again, and again... They got back home at eleven.

Everyone was too exhausted to even complain about it at that point, they just got their bags and got the hell out of that airport. They bid their goodbyes to each other at the exit, as they each had different people that came to pick them up. Ike and Zelda, meanwhile, took a taxi back home. They bid their goodbyes once they arrived at her house, then the taxi left to take Ike to his home.

And now it was time for Zelda to face her fate. She shouldn't be so nervous about entering her own house, she lived in it for goddess' sake! All she had to do was go in, say hello to Sheik, and go to sleep, that was all! A simple, yet mentally arduous task. Perhaps it was because he had texted her fairly often while she was away, now she feared that when they'd be in person again he wouldn't talk as much. They'd gotten so far, she didn't want to potentially undo any of the progress they've made. But she also really wanted to go to sleep.

Sighing, she picked up her luggage and walked up the stairs that led up to her front porch. She took her keys out of her pocket, unlocked the door, walked in, and...

"W-welcome home."

Sheik was there, as in, almost-right-in-front-of-the door there. He looked a little surprised, if a bit nervous, as he cautiously walked towards the kitchen. Zelda blinked, a sly smile emerging from her face, "Were you waiting for me?"

"N-no, why would I be?" She heard him answer. "I was... j-just getting a glass of water and heard the door moving so I went to investigate."

"Oh, really?" She said, following after him and taking a seat on a chair by the counter. "You sure you weren't just excited to see me? 'Cause ya missed me?"

"Yes, really. " He cleared his throat as he opened the fridge, then after a few seconds of contemplation and staring deeply into it, he shut it and walked to the water dispenser. Zelda did her best to hold back her laughter, but a few giggles did manage to slip through. She could see Sheik's ears turn redder and redder with every second that passed, even as he chugged down two glasses of water. Her heart felt so full, the fact they could have these moments made her so unbelievably happy. Compared to when they first began living together, she could really feel the difference in how he saw her. It was a welcome change, of course.

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