S2 ━ Altercation.

Start from the beginning

Y/n experienced a sense of discomfort due to the woman's reaction, causing her to swiftly avert her gaze. It dawned on her that the topic at hand was evidently delicate for the woman. Nevertheless, Y/n genuinely wanted to convey her concern, leading her to inquire, "If you don't mind me asking, could you please share the reason behind it?" Struggling to maintain this unfamiliar situation, she recognized that she lacked the necessary skills or capabilities to address another person's difficulties in the same manner she would for her lover, Sanzu Haruchiyo.

The lady locked eyes with Y/n, her mesmerizing lavender eyes meeting her gaze in a deeply manner. There was an undeniable connection as she delicately uttered, "I just know you'll be a great mother." Hearing these words, a surge of warmth spread through Y/n's heart, engulfing her with appreciation for the woman's compassionate nature and unwavering encouragement. 

Y/n struggled to find the right words, managing only to utter a simple "thank you" in response. Despite her lingering discomfort, she was determined to convey to the woman that she genuinely valued and acknowledged her kind act. 

Y/n was taken aback as she delved into her pocket to fetch her phone; the clock displayed a surprisingly late hour, almost 11 o'clock in the morning. With curiosity in her eyes, she glanced around, absorbing every detail of her surroundings, while simultaneously bidding farewell to the kind-hearted woman who had graciously bestowed upon her the book.

Leaving the store brought her an unparalleled sense of elation, as if she had stumbled upon a valuable gem and cradled it delicately in her palms. Progressing on her way, she gradually became aware of a fatigue that crept into her bones, beginning from her knees and gradually infiltrating her entire being, weighing upon her back. Recognizing the need to rejuvenate herself, she made the choice to pause momentarily and seek respite by occupying a vacant bench situated in a conveniently close shelter.

She had lost touch with the overwhelming nature of the world beyond her own solitude. The never-ending buzz of voices surrounding her began to grate on her nerves, much like the gentle whispers of the breeze and the rustle of leaves in the trees. The tranquility that enveloped her room had become a sanctuary, shielding her from the outside world and allowing her to delve deep into the recesses of her mind where her thoughts and imagination roamed freely.

As she shut her eyelids, her thoughts started to drift away, engrossed in her personal realm, liberating herself from the limitations of the real world. In spite of the bothersome disturbances from the external environment, she experienced a profound feeling of appreciation towards the book that she held firmly in her grasp. 

A faint smile slowly emerged on her countenance while contemplating the unforeseen present and the compassionate lady who had bestowed it upon her. She pondered about the mysteries and revelations that this book might unveil, eagerly anticipating the moment she could immerse herself within its captivating pages. 

"Someone is exhausted." A low and resonant voice resonated next to her, and as soon as she heard it, she immediately recognized whose voice it was. It was none other than Ran, the person she had been expecting. She called out his name as he gracefully sat down beside her. Ran cast a captivating smile her way, captivating her with his presence. As she observed him, she couldn't help but notice his sophisticated attire, consisting of a casual three-piece suit and a meticulously matching Rolex wristwatch, which he proudly shared with his brother, Haitani Rindou. 

"What brings a stunning woman like you to the bookstore at this hour?" Ran asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. Drawing closer to her, he playfully nestled his head on her shoulder, still maintain that infectious smile on his face. Y/n, on the other hand, had grown accustomed to this habit of Ran's, finding it endearing and typical of their close friendship. Hence, she saw no need to address his actions, considering them a norm among friends. 

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