Chapter 50: Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

"What? No dude! That's my cousin-- Look, is there something I can do for you? If not, you'd better get out of here before I file a formal grievance." Tommy continued to be defiant, but Holloway's demeanor did not change; he was patient and unbelievably elegant with his approach, which annoyed Tommy even more. "No. Let's not have that. My ship was sent here to investigate the situation; we're here to help in any way we can, Tommy. "You know how you can help me? By leaving."

"As you wish, but just know that our ship and my crew can help you in any way we can."

"Yeah, you should've helped us when we were dying!"

Holloway's eyes narrowed, and he lowered his voice, "Tommy, I understand your anger. I won't pretend we made the right choices, but we're here to rectify that. I agree the decision to depart was made... rashly. You were still an infant member, and the patrol has been quite protective of who it helps and abandons, so I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this two years later. Many people have fought to try and bring Omeocoon back into the fold... now I won't force our help on you, but I won't turn my back either."

Tommy's gaze remained fixed on Holloway, his expression a mix of anger and skepticism. Bodi, sensing the tension, stepped forward. "Tommy, maybe we should consider their offer. We can use all the help we can get."

Tommy shot a disapproving look at his cousin. "We don't need them. We've survived this far without their interference."

Holloway, maintaining his calm, added, "Survived, yes. But there's a larger threat looming that we might be able to face together."

"I want those prisoners that Yar was toting around."


"I want supplies, portable shelters, things we can use to rebuild, and a functional power supply."


The level of power took Tommy aback; of course, he did forget he was talking to the Captain of the flagship, not some low-level second contact maintenance ship. "Uh..." Tommy paused, looking toward the deck of the ship. "What's the matter? Are you running out of things to request? It's been two years? Your friends don't have anything they'd want? Medical supplies... food..?"

Tommy glared, then Holloway corrected himself, "Right... don't eat. I remember that number."

"Actually?" Bodi piped up again, "Can I request something?"

"Your wish is my command," Holloway said warmly; Bodi did not hesitate. "Pancakes, I want pancakes." Tommy squinted at his cousin; he wasn't sure what a 'pancake' was, but Bodi seemed reasonably determined to have it. "Easily done; I can order the galley to provide you with the supplies to make them, along with 504 different recipes."

"Yes," Bodi confirmed, his eyes were as sparkly as the stars outside. "What's going to happen to Yar?" Tommy returned to business, and Holloway stopped adding to his list of 'demands' to address the elephant in the room. "He and his crew will be returned to DP headquarters and tried for their crimes. And the Omeocoon citizens he was holding prisoner have taken no permanent psychological damage. And thanks to the help of your medical officer, we'll be able to reverse the effects and develop a vaccine that will prevent Generation Two; I think that's the right term. Anyway... it will provide the level of protection that some of your people have, but others don't, and this mind-numbing device will not affect your people anymore. Any Omeocoon born after will naturally be immune."

"That's good." Tommy said, "And that ship?"

"The Destiny," Bodi confirmed, Hollaway answered. "Well, as far as we can tell. It is a perfect copy of a Dynamic Patrol ship. The bastard even got the markings right and inserted it into our system, so any ship he came across would be none the wiser. We're analyzing the database, but the final explosion fried all of the computers that ship, which is a clean slate. She has to be reprogrammed and retrofitted, and since it's not a true DP ship, scrap yard."

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