Chapter 31: Bruce

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Kai exited the room and ran like a maniac, if he could get to a vent he could just slip inside, he wanted to see the bridge or maybe a control junction of some kind... he'd never been on a ship this large. There were no signs on the walls to tell someone where they were going, which was baffling to him— was one just supposed to stumble around the ship like a drunken fool until they got to where they were going? "Kai! Where are you going bud?" Kai was caught off guard by the enlisted man just outside of his hallway. His feline body signified an Earth origin. He wore a pink utilitarian uniform, work gloves, boots, and a utility belt with a holster for a weapon were all standard. Pink was the DP color for security. "Get back in your room." The feline ordered gruffly with a grin, they were actually on a first-name basis because he came to check on Kai every day at a certain time, which was good because Kai didn't like being surprised, and they talked from time to time, which was nice because the only other person he spoke to was his silly little brother which was a nice break.

"But... I just want to talk to my brother!" No, he didn't— Bodi was the last person Kai wanted to speak with actually, Bruce didn't believe his lie anyway. He softly 'assisted' Kai in getting back to his room. "I'm afraid I can't let you go. Do you need to talk to the Doctor? He can give you a sedative... to help you rest. Or maybe I can call the therapist, you two could chit-chat. I mean... if you want, I can talk to you." 'Bruce' shrugged, he was watching Kai anyway, and the orders on where to watch him didn't exactly specify. Kai issued him a crisp, 'Are you kidding me?' Glare. And he planted his hands on his hips.

"Bodi doesn't want to see you. He looked pretty upset."

"Why not? Hmm? Is he hiding something from me?" Kai asked suspiciously, but by the time he inquired he was already back in his room. "Try and get some rest, relax. You seem on edge, but you're safe now I promise you." Bruce reassured, he then moved over to the food slot and imputed a few commands into the controls. And after a whirr of the synthesizer. Bruce returned with a blue pasty-looking slop, which was just repulsive, Kai was sure that it would be to both regular biologicals who ate naturally would feel the same about this particular dish. Bruce seated Kai on his bunk. And scooped up a spoonful of that disgusting goop, and held it close to Kai's mouth, the Gel-Bunny pulled away quickly, he had to stop himself from gagging. "Wait—! It's just... I feel like a baby, with you all treating me like this. I can eat on my own."

"I can't let you have a spoon. You could use it as a weapon." Bruce waited patiently, Kai was confused at first, but then it hit him— not that many individuals knew about Omeocoon physiology, Bruce just like the rest of the ship was only aware of the shapeshifting part. He didn't know that they didn't eat. "Can I at least... hold the tray? You know. Give me just a tiny taste of freedom. I won't try anything." Bruce eyed Kai with a certain suspicion, he'd already escaped once before, but Bruce thought for a second, and decided no harm could be done, he was letting his guard down, offering Kai a little sympathy. "Oh— thank you— thank you!" Kai replied overly excited, Bruce even handed him the spoon. "What is this supposed to be?" Kai asked, and Bruce was relatively slow to reply, like he was embarrassed by the quality. "It's meatloaf. At least it's supposed to be. This isn't like some fancy cruiser where we have an onboard chef, so that'll have to do."

"It looks... appetizing. But, wait, I think there's a little something here..?" Kai pointed with the spoon, Bruce followed but he saw nothing wrong. "Where?" Bruce asked, tilting his head in curiosity, it only took a second, and he would let his guard down once more, Kai gestured again, and Bruce moved close. "I get that the synthesizers aren't perfect, but I don't see it." Just a little closer— Kai thought to himself. Bruce leaned in, he was very gullible. And when he was close enough, Kai would attack.

"No— I promise you... it's right... there—!" Kai smashed the entire tray of 'food' directly into Bruce's face. The security guard screamed into the muffled paste, and Kai held it there until he was on the floor. He then took the tray and whacked it six or seven times across his head. Now messy, Bruce was on the floor, unmoving. He was alive— Kai wasn't a monster. But he was unconscious... and likely concussed.

Kai looked up at the ceiling— an air duct, perfect for his purposes. He should've done that from the beginning, the consequences of not thinking his plan through. Without much thought. Kai's entire body reverted into a gelatinous state and flowed seamlessly into the vent junction. The door sensor wouldn't get him that way now that he thought about it. That's probably how Bruce knew that Kai was outside of the room. He was so excited about the prospect of finding out what was going on aboard this ship, that he had forgotten about the security sensor, that would not happen again— Kai knew that he would be caught later on and the entire ship was probably aware of his escape by now. But the information was worth it.

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