Chapter 24: Cold

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Bodi took off that stupid coat, it was ruined anyway. He collapsed in the mouth of the cave. He rested for a few minutes. Hours actually. By then, Kai had regained physical form. Bodi came to and could feel Kai removing his pack and turning him to his side so that he could properly tend to his wounds. He did appreciate his brother's touch and voice. He was overprotective— but after spending a few hours without him, Bodi couldn't live without his brother's guidance. "You did good Bodi... now it's my turn to protect you." Kai caressed his brother's cheek, "Kai... what's going on? I'm so cold... did we make it to the cave?" Bodi asked. Short-term memory loss was not a common occurrence for their people, but when one hit their head a dozen times after slipping and falling off the face of a mountain, they forgot things. A powerful strike to the head for an Omeocoon led to an enzyme and chemical imbalance which was probably causing his memory loss. Kai hushed his brother and then positioned his tail close to Bodi's.

"I'm gonna get firewood, okay?" Kai declared, he wrapped his tail around Bodi's and knotted them together. As a sort of way to hold his hand, an Omeocoon thing, Bodi immediately sat up, his senses coming back to him instantly. "Alone? No, Kai! I'm coming with you," Kai gently persuaded Bodi to lie down and put the remainder of the jacket over his body. "No," Kai stated firmly. Bodi whined and settled back on the floor of the cave, he knew his brother was right. Looking at the bandage on his arm, he could see his... essence. Bleeding through the dressings, they'd need to be changed by the time Kai returned.

Kai slipped Bodi's backpack over his shoulders and couldn't help but put on a teasing face. "If you get the jacket, I'm taking your pack... I think it looks better on me anyway." When Bodi didn't respond, it was clear he had drifted off into 'sleep.' At least he could experience the phenomenon that was dreaming... Kai just hoped that it would've been under better circumstances. Kai exited the cave, three suns... that was new, he was used to two. Kai moved out into the immediate area, fortunately, the cave was surrounded by trees eagerly waiting to be processed into firewood. Kai didn't pack an axe because he could make one with his hands. He just hoped it was warm enough... he was always more resistant to the cold than the average Omeocoon, being. a generation two, his internal systems allowed him much more resilience in the face of shape-shifting. While he wasn't invincible, he was just much more capable.

Kai put all of his focus into forming the axe, this was not an action that he normally liked doing... but desperate times... he raised his right hand and interlocked his fingers, his frown was deep as he forced his focus onto the one limb. Kai formed a tight fist, and his hand expanded with a noise that sounded almost like someone was inflating a balloon with helium, of course, this was complemented by the signature 'Omeocoon squishing noise' as he formed a large axe that was big enough to cast a shadow on the ground. He struggled to keep his balance and had to use his other hand around his wrist in order to maintain his footing. And in one swift motion, he brought the tree to the ground. Kai smiled widely, he didn't even break a sweat. Now he was getting somewhere..! 

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